Monday, December 06, 2004
Wes Anderson Back Again

Physical State: creaky
Mental State: foggy
Music: Sufjan Stevens - Seven Swans
Fashion sense: black sweatshirt, grey sweats
Oh yes. The man responsible for the amazing Bottle Rocket and Rushmore has teamed up once again with Bill Murray for the new movie "The Life Aquatic With Steve Zissou". This promises to be another hilarious movie. I saw a magazine yesterday with the article title "Bill Murray: Can Someone Give This Man an Oscar?". Comedies generally don't get best actor nods but maybe this is Murray's year (after being passed up for Lost In Translation). Anderson has amassed another great cast including Owen Wilson (who will probably be in every film Anderson ever makes), Angelica Huston and even Bud Cort (!?!) from Harold and Maude. I have had a movie pass sitting on my fridge for about 3 months now waiting for that great movie to come along that I would want to blow $14 on. Anderson is certainly worthy. Comes out Dec. 25. Between mountains of paper wrapping and turkey overload you might want to check this out (or you can simply watch Alisdair Sim again in A Christmas Carol). My film tradition is to watch It's A Wonderful Life (and try not to get teary at the end) and then watch How The Grinch Stole Christmas animated special on VHS.
Sorry that the posts have been very few and far between. I guess when there's not much to report you don't. Things have been pretty slow lately and I have been picking up the odd job now and then. I am still not sure if I'm going to keep doing design work in the new year. I am determined to get organized with things like banking and taxes this year. I figure if I don't mess around with money then I won't miss it. I started taking money off of my income this year for GST tax (and to be honest its gotten to be such a habit, I don't even think about the money anymore). Running your own business (or being self-employed) can sometimes be a headache when it comes to collecting tax money and being financially organized (especially if you're not good at it). I think I will spend most of my December and holidays upgrading my skills, finally getting a stupid website together after talking about it for years and looking for more work.
I've also come to the realization that when I'm busy I seem less anxious and depressed. One thing I've realized over the past few years is that I have accumulated a lot of cds. This is due to the internet radio show and my tendancy to have a bad habit of thinking I don't have enough stuff to play (most of my shows are now an unwieldy 2 and a half hours). I have told a friend that I need more Zen in my life, less stuff and more value if that makes any sense.
I've been writing this for almost half and hour, time to get going.