Sunday, October 29, 2006
New show up at RadioSteven - up to 8 hours now
Physical State: coldish
Mental State: rested (thank you Daylight savings time)
Reading: Simon Reynolds - Rip It Up and Start Again: Post Punk 1978-1984
Fashion sense: black fleece top, jeans
Hi there music fans! Steven here, or rather RadioSteven now I guess. Well I have added my third show so far in about a month on Live365 - RadioSteven. While you can't hear my lovely voice (which for some may be preferable when they just want to hear music) I am still programming some great tunes. There are a lot of things that I have kind of got around to finally getting a chance to listen to and put up for you.
Among some of the new stuff is Mojave 3, Charlotte Gainsbourg, Asobi Seksu, London, UK's The Boyfriends (a must for any Smiths or Wedding Present fan) and CSS aka Cansei de Ser Sexy. Enjoy!
Also being enjoyed are my new found discoveries of some great English Ales and stouts at the liquor store including such faves as Fuller's London Pride and London Porter, Yorkshire's Black Sheep Ale, Young's Double Chocolate, Wychwood Hobgoblin and Black Wych and also Marston's Pedigree. Being the insufferable Anglophile that I am lately this is a real coup. Here's to you.