Wednesday, January 31, 2007

I've posted a new show for February 2007 over at RadioSteven @ Live365 (can you believe it's already February?). Lots of new stuff for 2007, some greats from 2006 and also some classics for you to enjoy. Over 7 hours of music.

Send me an email. Keep respecting the rock and thanks for listening!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Sibylle Baier's "Colour Green", a folk
masterpiece 33 years late.

Physical State: hunchy
Mental State: leaden
Music: Sibylle Baier - Colour Green
Fashion sense: black hoodie, blue pjs

An album that seemed to pass me by in 2006 but that I've recently discovered was actually recorded in 1973. But it wasn't until 2004 that J Mascis heard a tape copy that there were any chances for the world to hear it. Sibylle Baier had had some songs in Wim Wenders films like Alice In The Cities (which is totally appropriate after some consideration) but never persued a music career opting for raising a family instead. One wonders what music would have been like if she kept it up. She recorded this album at home in 1973 on a reel-to-reel tape deck and never released it. Well finally 33 years later we can all enjoy this artist who sounds like a sad Joanie Mitchell or a distinct contemporary of Leonard Cohen, Nico or Vashti Bunyan. Cat Power fans will probably really dig this classic as well I think. I think that Orange Twin (a label run by Elf Power) have released an incredible treasure here that should be heard. Kudos to them for getting it out there. You can find out more about Sibylle by clicking here.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Chan Marshall (aka Cat Power)
on The Hour tonight

Physical State: aching back (thanks gym)
Mental State: felty
Music: Asobi Seksu - Citrus
Fashion sense: black hoodie, blue pjs

CBC's The Hour with George Stroumboulopoulos has the amazing Cat Power on his show tonight (Thursday Jan.11). It goes without saying that I love this artist (I've been managing a fan mailing list since the late 90s). Be sure to check her out. 8pm on CBC Newsworld and 11pm on regular CBC. You can also check out the entire show tomorrow in archive on their site.

In other news yes I joined a gym before the new year and man is it hard getting physical (insert Olivia Newton-John joke here). I am working out about 5-6 days of the week and taking a day off. I'm alternating two days of cardio and one day of weights and usually I'm in there for more than an hour per day. My body is in a weird transition where it both appreciates the excercise but hates me for causing it discomfort. But each day becomes a little easier so now I have to just stick with it.

If it wasn't for the ipod (yes I finally broke down and bought one over the holidays) then I'm not sure that I would enjoy the gym as much. It helps a lot to have music to do the treadmill and elliptical to. So far the repeat offenders on the workout playlist are Vitalic, Tiga, Hot Chip, The Rapture and Shout Out Out Out Out. Anyone who has any suggestions should pass them along in the comments.

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