Tuesday, February 11, 2003

Aimee Mann cracks a smile
Physical State: chilly ends
Mental State: blankety
Music: Aimee Mann - Lost in Space (from her website)
Fashion sense: "we make no sense, no sense, no sense...we have no sense"
Trying to get a lot of things done today and I realized that I should tell people about this newish Aimee Mann album Lost in Space. While I usually don't go out for more adult contemporary fare, this album is so sad and beautiful. The website and the album have really great illustrations of Aimee and others by Canadian illustrator Seth. Anyone who loved the music from Magnolia (and could relate to the "Wise Up" sing along with the cast) will love these songs. Fitting neatly somewhere between a saddened Ivy and the female equivalent of Ron Sexsmith, this is a winner. Great narratives of addictions, alienation and regret, what you've come to expect from an Aimee song afterall.
Went to see Frida with my friend Wendy last night and I liked it. I thought there were some very interesting ways of showing her artwork and relating it to the film although this element could have been pushed farther (like what made her create such work). I agree that the movie is a bit of a "romance" between her and Diego. It's interesting to consider this one against Bruno Nuytten's Camille Claudel or Ed Harris' Pollock for that artist biography movie. It seems it's difficult to interpret the life of an artist in a film because a lot of what they created is based on their subjective thoughts which can be read but are harder to translate on film. Not a bad film for Hollywood and certainly a triumph for Salma Hayek. Nice to see the criminally underrepresented talents of the Quay Brothers in one sequence in the film. So I ended up watching Joe Millionaire later (high art to low art) and can I say that I am so scared for the state of American culture, ha ha. Ok it's all about guilty pleasures fair enough. Who will Trista pick, yes that is the question. I've just blown my coolness factor at least I'm honest with myself.
The sad instrumental song of the day comes courtesy of the fantastic new ep Expressing Scorn, Contempt or Disgrace by Moly from the UK. Click here to hear "Me and Lucifer" in Real Audio, look out Mogwai.