Friday, February 07, 2003

Atomic 7 say "You ain't havin' fun
until you're dialing 911"
Physical State: jumpy
Mental State: clear
Music: Atomic 7 - Gowns By Edith Head, Bis - Return To Central
Fashion sense: sweatshirt, jeans
Hi how are you today? Ok so I thought of sending my resume to a million different places today (and I applied for several design jobs as well). When I look at my resume it seems ludricrous that someone would want to hire me part-time when I'll so obviously jump ship if a design career job comes along. Hey I'm not getting richer trying to decide what to do though. I think that my long-term plan is to get into a studio. Flash and Dreamweaver are standing between me and that (that and getting my work to be seen by art directors).
So I was listening to a little 2 song e-rom (or whatever those biz card sized cdrs are called) by The Barcelona Pavillion (members of the soon to be world famous Hidden Cameras) and while the songs are super short, they're very catchy. Check this link for more about them and to hear 2 songs ("Raymond Monelle" an example of pure id with instruments):The Barcelona Pavillion
Now I'm experiencing Toronto guitar god Brian Connelly and his Atomic 7 seen above (used to be the guitarist for Shadowy Men On A Shadowy Planet who did all the music for the tv show "Kids In The Hall"). Wicked surf instrumentals, tasty twangin' and go-go freakouts! Yeah this guy deserves The Order of Canada (or some other appropriate surf-god of Canada musician award). When you want to see a guy who thinks he knows how to play guitar cry it's probably at an Atomic 7 concert after seeing Brian play. A great soundtrack for the road tripper, give this dude a movie to score (or an album with Calexico...oh think of the possibilities)!