Thursday, February 13, 2003

Physical State: springy
Mental State: sharp
Music: Beans - Tired Snow ep
Fashion sense: grey sweater, jeans
I wanna kill the dude who came up with the idea of pop-up ads on the internet. When you go to a website you get bombarded by ads to play casino games, buy a stupid deskcam, become aware that your computer is under surveillance and NO I don't know any of these people at, so get lost! They're like the equivalent of seeing your mailbox full of flyers. You end up hitting your forehead like Homer Simpson screaming out "D'oh"! If there was an apocalypse after King George got our asses kicked, there'd still be cockroaches, taxmen and internet pop ads still around, mark my words.
So today I decided to slip on the Beans ep that I haven't listened to in awhile. I think these Vancouver guys are on the verge of something big. Very cinematic stuff. They play great instrumentals and the perfect soundtrack to that long lonely drive (one of their art pieces was even based on just such an activity called "Driving West"). Similar in some ways to Mogwai or Do Make Say Think. Check out some of their tracks from New Music Canada. They are on the same San Francisco label as P:ano.
Just wanted to say a special congrats to Jonny and Derek, the founders of Wavelength who will be celebrating their 3rd anniversary starting tonight with some great concerts in the Toronto area. For more info click the Wavelength link to the left in my list of favourites. Double congrats are in order as they will also be interviewed tonight by Patti Schmidt on Brave New Waves (link also at left). Way to go Wavelength! You can hear this interview after midnight across all of Canada on CBC Radio2 (I will put the link up to the archived interview when it becomes available).
My last thanks for the day goes to Fat Cat Records men Dave Cawley and Thomas who have never been anything but exceptional in sending me promos from their label. I urge everyone to buy a Fat Cat release today. Not only are they nice but they also have excellent taste in music. Good on ya, mates. Reviews for Sylvain Chaveau to come.