Saturday, February 01, 2003
Kung hei fat choy! Happy Year of the Sheep everybody and Happy Birthday to me!
Physical State: older
Mental State: clear
Music: Boards of Canada - Twoism
Fashion sense: black shirt (I wear black on the outside...)
Monkey boy here. I'm celebrating today for a few reasons. Today is my birthday but its also Chinese New Year (even though I'm not Chinese, I love the horoscopes stuff). I was born in the year of the monkey and here is a description of what Monkeys are all about that I found (particularly apt is the last sentence of the first paragraph):
The spunky Monkey is the original party animal! Charming and energetic, Monkeys crave fun, activity and stimulation. They truly know how to have a good time and can often be seen swinging from one group of friends to another, attracting a motley crew in the process. Always upbeat, they are considered minor celebrities in their circle thanks to their sparkling wit and that rapier-sharp mind. Perhaps surprisingly, Monkeys are also good listeners and tackle complicated situations with ease. This Sign's natural curiosity lends it the desire to become knowledgeable on a broad range of topics. Monkeys have a show-off side that loves nothing more than to dazzle their pals with all they know.
The Monkey tends to be rather accident-prone due to a certain lack of very high morals. This Sign's first interest is pursuing its own pleasure; this is not a malicious interest, it's just the way the Monkey is. However, this kind of carefree self-involvement can lead to all kinds of scrapes. In love, the Monkey makes a fun, exciting lover -- but one that may have the potential to stray romantically. The good news is, the Monkey’s glib manner and witty repartee can often get this Sign out of a scrape. Perhaps not everyone will be won over by the Monkey -- but do you think the Monkey really cares? The Monkey's world, full of devil-may-care energy and revelry, isn't for everyone. Remember, though, it's not that this Sign is mean; it might just be a bit too curious for its own good. Monkeys often feel the need to try everything at least once, which can make for a merry-go-round of relationships.
The Monkey's love of self-indulgence can also lead to other types of trouble. This Sign may have limited self-control concerning food, alcohol and other pleasurable activities. It's party time all the time for the Monkey, yet when it leads to a monster hangover or a shattered heart (generally someone else's, not theirs), this Sign might actually show a touch of remorse. They won't flat-out admit the error of their ways, but at least they'll pull back and try to tone things down -- for a while.
Monkeys must try to learn to think of others ahead of themselves, at least some of the time. This Sign's world will be more complete once it realizes the world doesn't revolve around it.
As well here is my Aquarian horoscope for today and for my sign:
AQUARIUS February 1:
A new moon on your birthday is a wonderful omen of success and almost anything you do this year is guaranteed to turn out well. With that pleasing news in mind ask yourself what you want most out of life and what you would attempt to do if you knew you could not fail. Then do it to the best of your abilities and be amazed by your success.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19):
A new moon in your birth sign means a new beginning is possible but to make the most of it you have got to believe it is possible. You know deep down what it is you want to be doing so make that your number one aim and put everything else on hold. What others say you should be doing is irrelevant - it's your desires that count.
Physical State: older
Mental State: clear
Music: Boards of Canada - Twoism
Fashion sense: black shirt (I wear black on the outside...)
Monkey boy here. I'm celebrating today for a few reasons. Today is my birthday but its also Chinese New Year (even though I'm not Chinese, I love the horoscopes stuff). I was born in the year of the monkey and here is a description of what Monkeys are all about that I found (particularly apt is the last sentence of the first paragraph):
The spunky Monkey is the original party animal! Charming and energetic, Monkeys crave fun, activity and stimulation. They truly know how to have a good time and can often be seen swinging from one group of friends to another, attracting a motley crew in the process. Always upbeat, they are considered minor celebrities in their circle thanks to their sparkling wit and that rapier-sharp mind. Perhaps surprisingly, Monkeys are also good listeners and tackle complicated situations with ease. This Sign's natural curiosity lends it the desire to become knowledgeable on a broad range of topics. Monkeys have a show-off side that loves nothing more than to dazzle their pals with all they know.
The Monkey tends to be rather accident-prone due to a certain lack of very high morals. This Sign's first interest is pursuing its own pleasure; this is not a malicious interest, it's just the way the Monkey is. However, this kind of carefree self-involvement can lead to all kinds of scrapes. In love, the Monkey makes a fun, exciting lover -- but one that may have the potential to stray romantically. The good news is, the Monkey’s glib manner and witty repartee can often get this Sign out of a scrape. Perhaps not everyone will be won over by the Monkey -- but do you think the Monkey really cares? The Monkey's world, full of devil-may-care energy and revelry, isn't for everyone. Remember, though, it's not that this Sign is mean; it might just be a bit too curious for its own good. Monkeys often feel the need to try everything at least once, which can make for a merry-go-round of relationships.
The Monkey's love of self-indulgence can also lead to other types of trouble. This Sign may have limited self-control concerning food, alcohol and other pleasurable activities. It's party time all the time for the Monkey, yet when it leads to a monster hangover or a shattered heart (generally someone else's, not theirs), this Sign might actually show a touch of remorse. They won't flat-out admit the error of their ways, but at least they'll pull back and try to tone things down -- for a while.
Monkeys must try to learn to think of others ahead of themselves, at least some of the time. This Sign's world will be more complete once it realizes the world doesn't revolve around it.
As well here is my Aquarian horoscope for today and for my sign:
AQUARIUS February 1:
A new moon on your birthday is a wonderful omen of success and almost anything you do this year is guaranteed to turn out well. With that pleasing news in mind ask yourself what you want most out of life and what you would attempt to do if you knew you could not fail. Then do it to the best of your abilities and be amazed by your success.
AQUARIUS (Jan. 21 - Feb. 19):
A new moon in your birth sign means a new beginning is possible but to make the most of it you have got to believe it is possible. You know deep down what it is you want to be doing so make that your number one aim and put everything else on hold. What others say you should be doing is irrelevant - it's your desires that count.