Sunday, February 09, 2003

The Organ
Physical State: stiff
Mental State: gloopy
Music: The Organ - Sinking Hearts
Fashion sense: t-shirt, sweatpants (hey its 9.30 am on a Sunday)
Everyday is like Sunday, every day is silent and grey - Morrissey
Ok the sun is shining so it's not a grey day, neither is it silent with idiot #1 and Mrs. Idiot #1 downstairs (don't these people ever sleep in?) and it's lousy because I have a headache. Some of you are probably wondering why I bitch all the time. I'm actually a nice guy if you get to know me (I think). I was so sleepy last night watching Saturday Night Live (surprise huh?) that I decided to go to bed fairly early for a Saturday. I woke up and got freaked out because I could see (usually I wear glasses or contacts). Yep I had my contacts in still and I'm not supposed to sleep with them in (this is why I probably have the headache now). Ok so I keep listening to these girls from Vancouver called The Organ and I have to write a review of their ep "Sinking Hearts" for Wavelength. I keep hearing Debbie Harry and Cadallaca in their music (not that there's anything wrong with those two). I wish I could get a promo this month like Jim Guthrie's album last month (which was incredibly easy to write about as it's great). Gonna write about the new Cat Power album as well (I'll be picking that up the day it comes out). I have to watch this video I still have sitting on my coffee table of a film I watch every once in awhile, Maborosi by Hirokazu Kore-eda. Such a great slow film (maybe tonight). Well time to get going here, going to have brunch with Vivian.