Saturday, February 08, 2003

Physical State: tired
Mental State:messy
Music: Belle and Sebastian - If You're Feeling Sinister
Fashion sense: t-shirt, jeans

Ok so this day started out great and then got kind of messed up by the end. Nothing major, just a long weary day. I went to see my dad again and that gets me down (he seemed to not really want to notice me in the hospital, like he was mad at me or something). I went with my sister who was supposed to show up a lot earlier in the afternoon but showed up around 7 instead. I came up with a promo idea for my design work to send along with my resume. I'll have this large matchbook mailer thing and inside will be an id-rom with all my design work on it as a pdf document. I'm not sure about the copy for this thing but it would be super cheap to make. Also you can buy tons of id-roms (biz card cdroms) for cheap and burn them yourself. I think I should work out some contra deal with Michael that if he can help me do something fancy on the interactive side I'll do some photoshop stuff for him for free later. Who knows. I just have to do something soon so I can start making some money (any money). This is another reason that this day is getting me down, I want to go places and buy things but I keep holding off on them while getting more frustrated. I wish there was a way to get this stuff done with so I can go back to having a normal life again. One upside is that I learned to play that B & S song that Joanne has in her playlist "Get Me Away From Here, I'm Dying" such a happy upbeat song for such a sad song title. Thanks Wendy for helping me out with my portfolio.

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