Saturday, February 15, 2003

Valentine (Irene Jacob) from Three Colours: Red
Physical State: sluggish
Mental State: murky
Music: Rachel's - The Sea & The Bells
Fashion sense: blue sweats, black shirt
Ok so it looks like I missed a daily entry yesterday on Valentine's Day (got really busy and was intending to). No Valentine either for me so the day seems a little insignificant. I've always felt that Valentine's day was a greeting card/chocolate industry sanctioned holiday (if it was a real holiday wouldn't they give you a day off work?). So go the words of a bitter single guy. Maybe it's a day to make compilations of love songs (aren't most songs love songs?). So as I missed it today I offer up a picture of a Valentine (in this case the actress Irene Jacob playing Valentine in "Red"). If you didn't already know, Irene is my Ingrid Bergman and has made quite a lot of crappy films of late (mostly in English). But I don't hold that against her. Originally born in Switzerland but always thought of as French, she came to fame when she won the Cannes best actress award for her magnificent portrayal of Veronique in "La Double Vie de Veronique". Red was also a great film too. Came back from Wavelength last night and what a great show, I was pretty amazed by the Dirty Hearts and will be checking them out again. Kind of a mix of a Sadies boozy twang with a more straight-ahead indie-rock sound. One song I kept telling Minesh Mandoda had its groove taken from Johnny Cash's "Cocaine Blues" good song to pick a riff from.