Monday, March 03, 2003

Chan Marshall (cover of Harp magazine)
Physical State: leaden
Mental State: sluggish
Music: Cat Power - You Are Free
Fashion sense: black t-shirt, blue jeans
Ok it seems I'm a bit remiss on a few days this past weekend with keeping this blog up and sorry for those of you who were looking for your daily Stranger Than Paradise fix. I decided to put on Cat Power today for J.M. who told me she doesn't like Cat Power, last night. I don't agree but J's point was that Chan bugs her because she says she's tired of hearing Chan say "I can't play and that I suck". You should listen to the new album J, true live it's a different story but on album oh man. I think that Chan has a true Aquarian perfectionist streak (I tell people that my guitar playing sucks too).
So I ended up seeing zero bands at Canadian Music week. Seems I'm not the only one whose not so keen on the festival either anymore. I think that the whole thing seems kind of like a joke when we have NXNE as well. I would love it if they could turn the two into one festival (most of the bands end up playing NXNE anyway). What do I know.
Not much to say today. Move along, nothing to see here. :-)