Monday, March 10, 2003

Leslie "Bitch LapLap" Feist
Physical State: tired
Mental State: foggy
Music: Out Hud - S.T.R.E.E.T. D.A.D. , Red House Painters - Songs for a Blue Guitar
Fashion sense: black sweatshirt, blue sweats
Missed yet another Sunday for posting. Hey got really busy (ok more lazy than busy). Hey congrats to Dave and Karin who told me yesterday that after 10 years of being together they're making it permanent. Yes Miss Lithium is getting hitched and moving to California! (getting married and living in am I jealous or what?) Congrats to you guys! Listening to the this great new album by this band called Out Hud. All instrumentals. Imagine what Do Make Say Think would sound like if it had a New Orderish/disco beat added to it. Really great. So I was at Wavelength last night and man was it packed (everyone there to see Jim Guthrie no doubt). Great show. The award for the one of the coolest Toronto celebrities whom I admire today goes to Leslie Feist (aka Bitch LapLap as part of the Peaches crew) who I hope puts out a new album soon. She seems really nice and always says hi to me at Wavelength (even though she doesn't know me. Why is it so Toronto to be amazed when someone says hi to you in a public place?). She seems geniuine and considerate. Well Leslie I have a copy of your album Monarch and I like it. So there you go. Okay sycophantic indie praise over.