Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Physical State: creaky
Mental State: slow
Music: Absolutely Kosher Records - Mitzvoth Compilation (free from Absolutely Kosher)
Fashion sense: white t-shirt, grey sweats
Ok Six Feet Under. I know some of you American types and Movie Pix subscribers will already know about this tv series but I started watching the first season yesterday and man is it great. Won an ensemble award at the recent SAG awards recently. Go to this guide entry for more detailed info here. The story centres around the lives of the Fisher family of undertakers and every episode starts with a death that they have to attend to. This show reminds me a lot of a book that I read and thoroughly enjoyed called The Undertaking: Life Studies From the Dismal Trade by Thomas Lynch. The show is produced by American Beauty writer Alan Ball so it has a lot of dark humour to it and some interesting guest directors (including Canada's Jeremy Podewsa). I can't wait to see all the other episodes of this series (they're in their third season already! going to have lots to watch). Just like the Sopranos you can catch these shows on video or the complete first season now on DVD if you're not lucky enough to live in the US and have HBO (or satellite). Showcase get this show on the air already! Some of you will know of the brilliance of this show already and that's fine.