Monday, March 17, 2003

Physical State: shakey
Mental State: anxious
Music: Barzin - s/t (Ocean Music rerelease)
Fashion sense: blue t-shirt, grey sweats

Yes I know. Several days and what gives. It's been a lifelong problem this starting things and then not sticking with them. I think it would be a bit presumptious of me to assume that there are people out there who come to this site everyday and check out what I have to say. If you are one of them then I hope I can fulfill your needs more with the right attitude and keep this thing more current. It's been almost 4 days since I last wrote. Sometimes on the weekend my mind seems to go into an alternate time mode, a procrastinator's time murder mode. I once was told that by a grade school teacher, that I "murder" time. He was this somewhat anal-retentive instructor who wanted the entire world to live by his plan it seemed. Whatever. Here I go again sir, the Jeffrey Dahmer of serial procrastinators who writes his blog. So today is St. Patrick's Day and the luck of the irish may not be smiling down on the people of Iraq this day. I am fearful that Saddam Hussein will do something really stupid and launch missiles at the US (that is if he has any, we don't know because we haven't had enough time for him to disarm nor reveal them). I'm going to be really unpopular and say that I agree with most of this world's leaders in saying that war is not the solution. George Bush scares the hell out of me and his need for war, any war, is really an example of how far man has not come (I could say the same for Hussein). It's easy for me to make comments from the sidelines like some jaded critic but I think the thing that scares me the most is that people around the world are saying it's too soon and in a democracy your leader should listen to you (elected or not) and they aren't. My soapbox is made of cardboard though so I should get down off of it before I fall under my own weight but I think what's potentially going to happen is terribly terribly wrong and far too soon.

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