Saturday, March 08, 2003


Sahara Hotnights

Teresa Strasser

Physical State: slow
Mental State: muddled
Music: Liars - They Threw Us All In a Trench... , McLusky - McLusky Do Dallas
Fashion sense: black shirt, blue sweats

Sahara Hotnights. Sahara Hotnights. Sahara Hotnights! I like girls who rawk. Joan Jett eat yer heart out. Another woman who rocks (albeit in a more domestic goddess kind of way) is Teresa Strasser from TLC's While You Were Out. Voted by 54.44% of the voters as a Most Annoying Celebrity in a poll at (Martha Stewart being numero uno), she still has something going on though. I've been getting a little addicted to this home improvement show for a little while (why are home makeovers so fascinating when you're flipping around the dial?). I can hear some of you snickering as you read this, it's ok. Teresa has her own info site if you wanted to find out more about her. Click on for more about this. In a dream she'll tell you she loves you, "but not yet" (watch the show and you'll know what that refers to). They make people's houses look hideous but she sure is cute.

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