Saturday, April 05, 2003
Brown Power!

Stacey Brown
Physical State: shakey
Mental State: beige
Music: The Classic Brown - The Classic Brown ep (online listening of ep)
Fashion sense: blue sweater, blue jeans
Discovered a couple of great things today. One is this excellent internet radio station that's second only to Joanne's called Mellow Indie and Noise at Live365. Really great tunes there man! As well I've also followed a link from the Mellow Indie page and discovered the little indie gem in the form of Stacey Brown and her band called The Classic Brown. Why isn't this girl famous and how come she hasn't played Wavelength yet? She's a Canadian (and I love finding about indie Canadians doing interesting things). John Crossingham produced one of her songs (of Raising the Fawn and Soundscapes music consultant, from right here in Toronto).