Monday, April 28, 2003

Claire Kember
Physical State: crackin'
Mental State: cloudy
Music: Labradford - Mi Media Naranja
Fashion sense: black t-shirt, jeans
Over the weekend I learned some disturbing news that my friend in Brighton, UK, Claire Kember had taken ill and even ended up in hospital. I knew that she has been sick and had to cancel appearing for some of her shows at Totally Radio. I did not know how serious it had gotten and hadn't listened for the past week to her show. Well it appears that she didn't have SARS (thankfully or not it's only found in China and Toronto so far, but it's not as big a problem in Toronto as the World Health Organization would have you think). The news today is that Claire has returned home from the hospital and is now recovering. She should be returning to Totally Radio in the not too distant future and I, along with a lot of her listeners, wish her a speedy recovery. Get well soon my friend.
One other thing that deserves mentioning is all-free cd release show next Tuesday night at Lee's Palace for Hamilton's A Northern Chorus (openers Great Lake Swimmers!). A Northern Chorus' new cd Spirit Flags promises to be another great collection of their Slowdive-y inspired indie pop on their new label home Sonic Unyon. Go and check them both out. This show shouldn't be free but I hope more people go because it is. Nice one.