Friday, April 04, 2003
TGI-Tyler Friday baby!

Tyler Clark Burke flanked by admirers
yet again
Physical State: gravity-stricken
Mental State: ferret-y
Music: Out Hud - S.T.R.E.E.T. D.A.D., Notwist - Neon Golden
Fashion sense: grey sweatshirt, blue jeans
Sis Boom Bah is showing an exhibition of drawings by Tyler Clark Burke one of the two indie-mistresses from Three Gut Records. Way to go Tyler. Nice to see your art in a gallery instead of in the window of Rotate This for a change. Click on the link for Sis Boom Bah for more info and directions.
Joanne aka DJ Loveless will be spinning the fine tunes yet again come Tuesday night at Subculture at Cinema Classics in NYC! Check the Voice or time out for info on how to get there (ok I'm being lazy today).
I am also having an INTERVIEW today. It's for a funky bookstore chain here in Toronto called Book City. The pay will be crappy, the discounts will be ok but I think it might be fun. At least it will keep me out of trouble and it won't hurt to make some extra cash as well. Wish me luck with that whoever you are.
I apologize as well to Ulrike and Barzin whose shows I didn't attend last night. We got hit by this wicked ice/snow storm and I was also doing some work for Comedy really late (tight deadline). I will try to see Ulrike's art show and catch Barzin next time he comes to town.
Well got a lot going on today so this is a short one.