Wednesday, May 21, 2003

Bearsuit will rock you
Physical State: achey
Mental State: fuzzy
Music: Black Eyed Snakes - It's The Black Eyed Snakes!
Fashion sense: green t-shirt, blue jeans
Book: Honeymoon and Other Stories - Kevin Canty
Band of the week alert! While listening to the wonderful Everett True and his internet radio show at Totally Radio Careless Talk Costs Lives (named after the British Music magazine NOT FOUND IN CANADA) I heard a great song by the Norwich, England band Bearsuit and I've fallen for them. How come I haven't heard of this band before? A wonderful indie rock mess that pits Deerhoof against Belle and Sebastian (or something like that). I think that Kill Rock Stars should sign them here in North America (or its 5 Rue Christine imprint). So far they only have a handful of 7" singles (wish they'd release them all on one cd). Check them out.