Thursday, May 22, 2003

Derek, Julia, Matt and James (aka Creeping Nobodies) rock
Wavelength this Sunday
Physical State: drowsy
Mental State: muddled
Music: K-Shite Fm (not of my choosing)
Fashion sense: green striped short sleeve shirt, tan khakis
Book: no book today
Working in Borlington again today. Got called in to do some freelance work on the spot. Not too bad but the music's crap. Who was it that said "life's too short for bad music". Well they were right, brother. If I hear one more Celine Dion song I'm gonna hurl.
Yes this Sunday at Wavelength you can get down to the wonder that is The Creeping Nobodies. This is rumoured to be their last show for a bit as they're taking a break over the summer, so not to be missed. I will be there spinning the tunes in between bands. Lotsa rock up front for y'all with a little electronic on the back nine. Come by and say hi...I mean what else are you doing on Sunday? Alias and Law & Order CI are in reruns so you have no excuse.
Today's props go to the Rogers Sisters (also written up today in Eye, click here for the article) who have the coolest concert ticket around for their show at the 360 tonight. You get a bronze-coloured ribbon to get in (like the ones you used to get in grade school track and field, in this case 3rd place). 4 bands, 8 bucks...gonna be good. Oh yeah.
Special Agent Dale Cooper cried about this one:
Now no one has an excuse not to take some of Mom's apple pie with them (all portable-like). Check out this link for (and I'm not joking) Pie in a Jar. Ok maybe Mom would tell you that the world is going to hell but somewhere Homer Simpson is getting patent royalties for just such an invention. Dontcha just love the U.S.?
Well hope all is well with you.