Monday, May 12, 2003

Lady CK back to make them sweathogs groove on a new tune (now with slightly Gabe
Kaplanesque shoulders)
Physical State: sleepy
Mental State: lumpy
Music: Belle and Sebastian - Tigermilk
Fashion sense: black t-shirt, grey sweats
Book: Fireboat - Maira Kalman
Paraphrased for a friend with my apologies to John Sebastian.
Welcome back,
Your songs were our ticket out.
Welcome back,
To that same old place that you laughed about.
Well the playlists have all changed since you've been around,
But those songs have remained and you've turned around.
Who'd have thought they'd lead ya (Who'd have thought they'd lead ya)
Here where we need ya (Here where we need ya)
Yeah we tease her a lot cause we've got her on the spot, welcome back,
Welcome back, welcome back, welcome back.
Yes everyone the rumours are true, Claire Kember is back on Totally Radio after a long battle with hepatitis. Glad to hear you back on the air again, sweetheart!