Thursday, June 05, 2003
Controller.controller kicking your disco-punk-ass up and down
the T. Dot this weekend
Physical State: weary
Mental State: baked
Music: K.C. Accidental - Anthems For The Could've Bin Pills
Fashion sense: green Stereolab t-shirt, blue jeans
Book: No book today
Control...I'm here.
My favourite band of the moment, controller.controller (WHO DON'T HAVE A CD YET!?!) have an article today in Eye magazine. Yes these fine people are playing not one but TWO shows this weekend. The first gig sees them following up Tangiers at the Rivoli tomorrow night for NXNE (bring your towel because the Rivoli will be an oven after the Tangiers show with lots of record a&r people chatting at the door, that's if you can even get in. Good luck brother). Have no fear though because the controller x2 bring their funk-punk disco party to Wavelength on Sunday as well! So nice they had to be booked twice. For a link to the article from today's Eye magazine, click here. These kids, as they say, are gonna be big.
Can I just say that the pickin's for this year's NXNE are pretty lame (no offense to the bands that are in that I've already seen and loved and will continue to see). It just seems that there have been better years. I'm not going to it this year.