Saturday, June 07, 2003
One, Two, Three, Four Tet

Mr. Hebden contemplates
the next masterpiece
Physical State: slouchy
Mental State: sunny
Music: Four Tet - Pause
Fashion sense: black t-shirt
Yeah that Kieran Hebden boy (aka Four Tet) is pretty damn cool. Gotta pick up the new Four Tet album "Rounds". All of 25 years of age, opening for Radiohead and producing the next Beth Orton album. Have you heard about this dude? Also a member of the equally excellent Fridge. Man this guy's stuff is beautiful to listen to.
Nice day, stuck in the apartment to get some work done (damn!). Got a message from Kirsteen that she just came back from Barcelona and Provence...must be nice. I'm not jealous, really, ok a little. I need to go to the South of France too. Why can't I ?...oh yeah, broke.