Monday, July 21, 2003
Addicted to Trailer Park Boys

Julian, Bubbles and Ricky once again terrorizing the
trailer park
Physical State: weary
Mental State: slushy
Music: Totally Radio - Ray Gun Classics with Dave Lightyear
Fashion sense: grey shirt, tan shorts
The F---in' Trailer Park Boys
I've been catching 3rd season episodes of Showcase's hilarious series Trailer Park Boys, the ultimate in Canadian hoser culture. The shows are almost always the same: Ricky and Julian make life hell for their friend Bubbles while getting up to hijinks under the watchful eye of trailer park security manager Leahy and his shirtless sidekick Randy. The first two seasons are available on video and dvd so I will definitely be checking out those episodes that I have missed. This show has definitely grown on me lately and I find myself tuning in more. Check it out. Hope you like the "f" word.