Wednesday, August 20, 2003



Physical State: achey
Mental State: neutral
Fashion sense: white shirt, tan shorts

You ever have those days where you're just sitting there and you can see where you've been in the recent past and where you're going eventually later on but you're not going anywhere at this particular moment? It's hard to describe but its like a feeling of being in neutral. I have some work that has to be done but I'm waiting for feedback so nothing's going on at this moment. It's a nice day outside yet I sit here and don't go out. I'm tired but I can't sleep in the middle of the afternoon. It's hot but I can't run the air conditioner out of trying to conserve hydro. Weird. I'm sure this will change quickly.

Today is just one of those lazy summer netherdays where you don't know where you're going. Not so much a blackout as a kind of mental brownout. You feel like you should dust or paint a wall to just do something. I dunno what it is. Do you know what I mean?

Probably should go to bed earlier tonight or something.

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