Saturday, September 20, 2003
Get Another Hobby
& Goodbye Teresa

Teresa gone but
not forgotten
Physical State: glidey
Mental State: loose
Music: Hobby Industries - September Soundbank
Fashion sense: white shirt, blue jeans
The masterful Thomas Knak at Hobby Industries (the hottest little Danish label of the moment) has added one of his best soundbanks yet this month. The DJ Hype track at the beginning gets you going right away. Broadcast and the Tied and Tickled Trio also appear this month and even, wait for it...Beyonce (?!?). Hmm.
On another note I'd like to say that Teresa Strasser (seen above), you will be missed on my favourite guilty pleasure on TLC, While You Were Out. 26 million viewers can't be wrong. Come on admit it, you love this show too. Don't be shy. Have no fear though, Teresa can still be found on E! News Daily for those of you looking for a little more Teresa (not in Canada though!)