Thursday, September 04, 2003


Hell sort of freezes over: Maybe Universal
is finally listening to the music fan

Physical State: lumbering
Mental State: puttering
Music: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell (on Interscope Records)
Fashion sense: black shirt, blue jeans (should be my nickname)

Say it ain't so. A major record label with a conscience? Apparently Universal Music Group is seemingly bucking the trend of being a ruthless bloodthirsty corporate overload by trying to win back customers by...wait for it...LOWERING THEIR PRICES. Yeah I guess you never thought I'd say major record label and lowering prices in the same sentence but hey there it is. This is a huge deal for those of us who are tired of shelling out 25 bones or more for a record that in the 80's on vinyl would have sold for $10! I hope in a way that the other labels see what Universal are doing and stop spending money on Britney tour buses and Spago lunches and get back to using their money wisely for making GREAT ALBUMS...imagine that. Affordable albums that are actually worth buying. Now there's a concept. Click here to read more about Universal's new vision for music sales.

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