Monday, December 29, 2003
Mr. Picasso Head

Physical State: achey
Mental State: slushy
Music: Yé-Yé Girls - a compilation by DJ Wha Lee
Fashion sense: black t-shirt, blue sweats
Vicky sent me a link to a fun timewaster site that you might enjoy. Mr. Picasso Head (that works like Mr. Potato Head) is a site where you can make your own artwork with Picasso squiggles. Lots of fun (here is my first attempt above).
As well I am listening to this great comp that Wally put together for me for Christmas...what a great comp...lots of France Gall. You can find out about this French pop singers scene from the 60s and 70s at the Yé-Yé site as linked above in the music section.
Sunday, December 28, 2003
97X WOXY FM (A real radio station
that actually doesn't suck)

Physical State: coughing
Mental State: foggy
Music: WOXY FM
Fashion sense: blue t-shirt, blue sweats
Babak sent me a link to a radio station in Oxford, Ohio that doesn't actually suck (believe it, its true). It's called WOXY FM 97X. Check out their charts to see the kind of stuff that they play. Le Tigre and they're not even a college station?!? (they must be really know what, I hope they stay poor a long time). North America needs more of these stations. CFNY in Toronto used to be like this before the powers that be (stupid) decided that Staind was worth listening to. Check it out by clicking above on the link highlighted.
Tuesday, December 23, 2003
Merry Christmas Cats and Kittens!
Click here to hear the Jingle Cats wish you a meowy Christmas.
Click next to the shopping cart icon (you may even want to buy
one of their cds maybe. Hey want to get deadbeat relatives out
of your house early? Put this on repeat all through dinner. What
a plan).
Physical State: tired
Mental State: "jolly" oh yes...very jolly...(right)
Music: Steven's Best of 2003 at
Fashion sense: blue t-shirt, blue jeans

Sunday, December 14, 2003
BB Beats the Blues

Physical State: creaky
Mental State: neutral
Music: Brigitte Bardot - Best of BB
Fashion sense: black t-shirt, blue jeans
As I had mentioned before. The Best of BB by Brigitte Bardot is one of my greatest albums for lifting up my spirits on cold and grey days. Most of the songs are pretty breezy and cute. No wonder everyone in France loved her at that time. Coquettish and charming, such a good one. I dare anyone to listen to "Moi Je Joue" and not get a smile. By "Ca Pourrait Changer" you'll be hooked. This is like watching some charming and silly French comedy from 1968 with go-go dancing. Love it.
Not much happening a very slow start to the day and still don't have my show done yet. Oh well guess there's always tomorrow.
Thursday, December 11, 2003
Toutes Les Filles

Physical State: draggy
Mental State: foggy
Music: Sixties Girls - Volume 1
Fashion sense: blue t-shirt, blue jeans
French pop songs always give me a lift. Best of BB by Brigitte Bardot is the best for grey days. I bought this comp (above) a few weeks ago and its great. Reminds me a lot of Gentle Waves. Agnes Loti's "C'est Toi Mon Idole" sounds like "My Boy, Lollipop" by Millie Small (maybe the english one was based on it or vice versa). I wish they'd do a Sixties Guys comp with Serge, Jacques Dutronc and others.
Friday, December 05, 2003
Trachtenburg Power!

Physical State: achey
Mental State: whippy
Music: Manitoba - Up In Flames
Fashion sense: black t-shirt, blue jeans
Looking forward to seeing the indie-rock family phenonemenon known as The Trachtenburg Family Slideshow Players. Mom does the visuals (slides found at garage and estate sales) and Dad and 9 year old daughter Rachel are the Jack and Meg White (dad on guitar and daughter on drums). They write songs based on the slides they find. Should be very interesting...and its free at Harbourfront Centre tomorrow! Look out Danny ain't nothing seen nothing.