Sunday, December 14, 2003
BB Beats the Blues

Physical State: creaky
Mental State: neutral
Music: Brigitte Bardot - Best of BB
Fashion sense: black t-shirt, blue jeans
As I had mentioned before. The Best of BB by Brigitte Bardot is one of my greatest albums for lifting up my spirits on cold and grey days. Most of the songs are pretty breezy and cute. No wonder everyone in France loved her at that time. Coquettish and charming, such a good one. I dare anyone to listen to "Moi Je Joue" and not get a smile. By "Ca Pourrait Changer" you'll be hooked. This is like watching some charming and silly French comedy from 1968 with go-go dancing. Love it.
Not much happening a very slow start to the day and still don't have my show done yet. Oh well guess there's always tomorrow.