Wednesday, January 21, 2004
Life Gives You
Physical State: shivery
Mental State: inspired
Music: The Wedding Present - George Best Plus (newly rekindled love)
Fashion sense: blue sweatshirt, blue jeans (general blue)
The phrase goes "when life gives you lemons, make lemonade". Good advice and far too often advice I don't adhere to enough. But there's another lemonade that I have been totally blown away by and that is the little design business of my new graphic design rock star hero, Colleen McLean. At the tender age of 25 (yes that's 25 as in a 2 and a 5) this girl has launched her new site for her design work and called it Make Lemonade and I'll be damned if it ain't sweet as pie. So talented. Puts old dudes like me to shame...(wherz your web site, guy? "Uh...Uh..." Exactly).
So check out her lemonade stand and be sure to drop your nickel by letting her know what you think. Kid you'll move mountains. Who hoo!