Tuesday, January 20, 2004
The Missing
Physical State: cold, Cold, COLD
Mental State: whippy, swoony
Music: Everything But The Girl - Amplified Heart
Fashion sense: grey sweater, grey sweats (general greyness)
Ok what gives? Where ya been man? Sure enough I am still alive but freezin' my ass off. Things have been off to a really slow start in January for some reason work-wise. Everyone seems to be in a state of some kind of mental hibernation so far. Ok maybe not everyone maybe it's just me. I've met a few lovely people through Friendster and they have been quite charming and extremely diverse people. It's a lot of fun. It makes me feel good that there are still nice people out there to be met too. Chris Eaton and Laura Reinsborough are definitely two of these types (I admire Chris' band, Rock Plaza Central, more and more everyday, look for a review in the new issue of Wavelength next month). Sometimes I just get a smile from meeting interesting people doing interesting things, simple things. You see I work from home so the interaction factor can be quite limited at times (sometimes I feel like Curtis in Twitch City especially in the winter, Curtis would never leave home. A show that had real potential but didn't go far, it lasted two or three seasons an eternity in Canadian television). It is blisteringly artic here, like Montreal cold at times so staying inside seems more logical than ever. With this new found love of all things DVD I have been procrastinating a bit more than usual so I gotta do something about that I think very soon (yeah as in I'll get to that in a bit...isn't that a paradox? Not sure).
Hope you are well and still reading this.