Friday, January 02, 2004
The Perfect Sunday Morning
Album for a Friday

Physical State: slouchy
Mental State: dopey
Music: The Clientele - The Violet Hour
Fashion sense: white t-shirt, grey sweats
Could there be a better album that conveys a sleepy, rainy-Sunday-morning-looking-out-a-window-onto-an-English-garden than The Violet Hour by The Clientele? How come it took me so long to come around to this album? Purely beautiful. Kin to Nick Drake, Neil Halstead and The Left Banke (a band I have to get into after reading the great article on Belle and Sebastian in this month's issue of Big Takeover).
Safely back from Ottawa and this day is like a real come-down day or something. I am having some trouble getting going here and its already 10.30! Was there to visit Dr and Madame Easy and had a great time. As DJ Vegas and his new friend Sheila were also there and it was nice to see them. I found a copy of Console's Pan or Ama at Organized Sound (591-A Bank St.) when I was up there for $11 which was nice. As well I had the best vegetarian chili at a new find in Ottawa, Wild Oats (with a supercool counter person who reminded me of Mira Aroyo of Ladytron). Maybe I could become a vegetarian if they had more great stores like this (I'm sure there are some in Toronto but I've been too lazy to find out). I have some friendsters who are vegetarians and its interesting the reasons behind them being one. I am not sure if I could give up eating turkey sandwiches or thai fish stir-fries though (I guess I could give up lots of things if I wasn't complacent about it really).
Got home and found a great Christmas comp in my mail from the very talented Mr. Ned Norland (of No Love For Ned fame). So nice when you get unexpected little gestures from people in distant places. Makes your day. Be sure to check out his radio show regularly.
So what are my resolutions for 2004? Are resolutions like birthday wishes? Like if you tell someone does that mean they won't happen? I guess I have so many that it would be hard to put my finger on them but I can think of two immediate ones that I hope I don't break (isn't the whole resolutions thing just a way of hoping for something better?). Well as much as I will try to do some different things this year I know that not much will change (but change might be good in some ways). One thing that I am determined to do is to write more on this blog (and start painting again). I guess this blog kind of officially celebrates its anniversary as I started it up around this time last year. Hope you'd enjoyed it. I am so glad to see the end of 2003 to be honest though (as might be expected). Hope you have a better one too, reader.