Monday, April 05, 2004
Lali Puna, backatcha!

Physical State: leaden
Mental State: shiny
Music: Gary's show @
Fashion sense: black t-shirt, blue jeans
Lali Puna, one of my favourite bands have relauched their website to coincide with the release of their new album "Faking The Books" out on April 19. Worth checking out, very lovely. You can also check out the video for Micronomic at their site done by Luis Briceno of Micronomic (responsible for Console and Ms. John Soda videos as well). Looking forward to this.
I have also not done a new show this week for radioindierock but you can check out my first show that I did for them (a rerun if you will). I now realize that I shouldn't talk so much, ha ha. Nice to look back at some of the releases from last year in this show.
The job searching and career advancement goes very slow still but I'm hopeful. I am trying to learn Adobe InDesign and it has some great uses (and I love that it looks and acts like a hybrid between Illustrator and Quark X Press). My next goal is to get onto the web stuff (Flash and Dreamweaver) and get to know that. I've decided that I'm not going down without a fight and some skills in my back pocket. It's going to take time and some patience but I'm gonna do it.
Well that is all for today (very busy with all this). I do hope to return to soon and I apologize to all of you who are wanting a new show from me (they take quite awhile to put together). Sometimes the stuff that pays takes the front seat to the fun things in our lives. Sad but true. Now if I could just figure out how to make the fun stuff pay off even marginally...