Thursday, April 29, 2004
Ta Da! It's a new label

Physical State: sludgey
Mental State: 10 watts
Music: air conditioning (no music in this office I'm in today)
Fashion sense: grey shirt, blue jeans
Brave New Waves' high priestess of cool (and a personal hero of mine) Ms. Patti Schmidt has launched her own new indie label called Ta Da! along with Jeff Waye from Ninja Tune. The first release from this label is the debut from Nanobot Auxilliary Ballet (with Patti herself, Lew Braden and her ex Pest 5000 bandmate Kevin Komoda). As well Montreal new-wave/performance savant The World Provider will also see a release on this new label. I haven't been able to find a website yet for this label but I will keep checking. Bonne chance mes amis!