Saturday, May 14, 2005
Mommy and Daddy, Y'er Sweet

Physical State: sore throat
Mental State: sludgey
Music: Mommy and Daddy - Fighting Style Killer Panda ep
Fashion sense: white t-shirt, jeans
I saw these guys last night at the Drake Underground and they turned out such a sweet show of electropunk to the VERY small crowd that was there. What up people, these guys rock where were ye?
Be sure to catch them as they go to Ottawa, Montreal and Boston (and some other places) over the next week or so. Check for more detes on the live shows. Vivian and Edmond are two of the nicest people I've met and they
love their fans dearly. So for that they rock my world. Thanks for signing my cd and come back real soon, eh?
Also can someone please clear up for me if Ellen Allien's track "Open" from Berlinette uses a sample of a Killing Joke song. I can't figure out which one it is and it's been bugging me for weeks. Stop the insanity.