Wednesday, July 20, 2005
I want to complain
Physical State: sweaty
Mental State: frustrated
Fashion sense: brown t-shirt, tan shorts
I want to complain about:
- the way that car insurance is way out of control in this province
- $1.00 litres of gas and jacking up prices on a Friday afternoon (it's time for the govt to step in and regulate this mofo)
- air conditioners that jack your hydro bill up because the building you live in is cheaply insulated
- landlords who don't fix your bathroom after 5 attempts to get them to repair it
- hydro bills that are way out of control
- public civil servants who are overpaid and still want more while acting like spoiled babies (shaddup Rob Ford)
- bank machines that charge you $2 on a 20 (unless you use your own bank's machine)
- banks that are not located close to home and are open from 10-3
- liquor stores that are far away from home
- transit systems that say they're the better way when 9 times out 10 you can get there by car faster
- parking downtown and the big scam that that is
- reality television that seems to take up 3/4 of my viewing choices these days
- people complaining about abuse of energy while bank atms are air-conditioned 24 hours a day
- people using bank atms as their own personal toilet
- people who lay on their horns for longer than a few seconds..."we get it, fuck off already"
- people complaining about abuse of energy when big banks leave all their lights on 24 hours a day
- one major highway out of the city to the north
- the fact that Lawrence W and Eglinton W should have overpass bridges across Black Creek Drive instead of stoplights
- people who drive in the left lane slow and refuse to get over to the right when you're trying to get past them
- people who decide at the last minute at an intersection that they're going to make a left turn with you stuck behind them
- the price of cds at HMV and how their selection is crap
- the price of movie theatre tickets and one company enjoying a monopoly (Cineplex)
- people who don't stop at crosswalks when you hold out your hand and have pushed the crosswalk button
- cops that shrug their shoulders when you point out a violation like having a car parked in front of the laneway
you're trying to get out of
- the way that Toronto is getting dirtier and dirtier especially on Queen
- Hummers period
- the Toronto all for one attitude, me me me
- going to buy a popsicle and all they continually have is lime
- the damn heat
- the way that cats decide 5am is a good time to start meowing over AND OVER AGAIN
- Polish delicatessens that have a smokehouse in the back that the exhaust of which floats into my open window
- that people who I never give money to on the street ask me every fucking day while just standing there
(here's the thing, if you're a busker or an artist I'll give you a dime, you earned it, learn a fucking skill deadbeats)
- people who call me at the last minute and assume that I'd rather do their work all night then have a normal life
- people who never respond to emails and make you feel all aggressive for asking why they haven't responded
- headaches caused by heatwaves
- the way that library people close 5 mins early and then treat you like an idiot for wanting to check your book back in
while the time is still valid
I also want to complain about how I complain all the time. Have I bitched enough, sweetheart I'm just getting started.
Cool weather and paid that sounds like paradise.