Tuesday, November 08, 2005
'Ello, 'ello. Back from London, mate!

Physical State: jetlagged
Mental State: foggy
Music: Brent's Atlantacast
Fashion sense: black t-shirt, pajama bottom
Yes it has been "donkey's years" (to coin a phrase of my friend Claire) since I wrote anything to this blog. I am still here and I've finally returned from a two week holiday in London. So it is 5am and since the time change has f**ked me up it feels like 10am (I was up in the middle of the night thinking "why am I sleeping in?"). I had a great time (and apparently spent far too much money). It was very cool to visit Northern England and check out Feedback in Lancaster, Lancashire. I also want to thank one of the members of the Feedback collective, Richard for putting me up for a few days while I dj'ed their event two nights. The excellent Bearsuit were on the Friday and the next night I saw a very memorable Scout Niblett gig that I will cherish forever (Scout was really sweet). After Feedback and Lancaster it was a walk through Yorkshire Dales country which was a bizarre and enriching experience. Walking The Dales Way listening to Boards of Canada is probably one of the most amazing experiences I've had.
The remainder of the trip was spent in London with my friend Claire Kember (see below). I had an amazing time being shown around, storming the record stores (natch) and even seeing my fellow countrymen (and woman), The New Pornographers, playing the 93 Feet Street East. More to come.
As they say it's nice to go away but it's good to be back home (who the hell are "they" anyway).
Hopefully now that I'm back I can get to my two radioindierock.com shows that were left unfinished.
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Welcome back, Steven!
I'm not sure where "donkey's years" comes from, but I like it... it sounds so appropriate and yet ambiguous somehow.
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I'm not sure where "donkey's years" comes from, but I like it... it sounds so appropriate and yet ambiguous somehow.
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