Friday, December 29, 2006
Life On Mars Rocks!

Physical State: gym aches
Mental State: lazy
Music: CBC Radio 3
Fashion sense: black sweatshirt, blue sweats
Life On Mars is my newest British show to check out. I have been faithfully watching every episode on Showcase here in Canada since it debuted. I think it is a really great show and I can't wait for some dvd action as well.
Life on Mars is a cop drama with a twist. Manchester police officer Sam Tyler (played expertly by John Simm) is a cop who, after having an accident, is thrown back in time to 1973. He makes his way as a cop who has all the new techniques of 2006 but must act like he's living in the 70s. His ways of working as a detective make him both an outsider (because he's so different to a cop in the 70s) but also regarded, quite reluctantly, as something of a guru among his force. Every now and then Sam get's a window into modern day when he hears a radio broadcast or has a dream. In 2006 he is in a coma and he must one day make it back.
While the concept sounds truly bizarre it works. As an outsider to 1973, Sam takes notice of the things that most people of that time would take for granted: the fashions, the music (and the soundtrack is awesome btw) as well as the outmoded ways of investigating. But at the same time he is becoming a better cop because he is humbled by his restrictions.
Set in Manchester, this BBC show is one of the coolest Brit shows to come along in a long time. I think that Showcase will be rerunning it again by next Spring. Keep your eyes open for it.
Happy new year to everyone!