Monday, April 27, 2009

Zone Out, StumbleUpon and Pixies box set

Physical State: creaky
Mental State: neutral
Music: Radio Dept. - Pet Grief
Fashion sense: blue t-shirt, jeans

Lately I've been noticing that when I get on the computer and do some web-surfing that a lot of time has passed and I don't know how it went by. Case in point, this morning I looked at the clock, 9am...seems fine. Get on the computer, check my email, etc, chat to a friend for a little bit on MSN...boom 10am! As Pixies asked (we'll get to that rant in a second)..."Where is my mind?" Sometimes the times just flies but when you are waiting for things that you need (hmmm i dunno like a tax return) it creeps. Strange thing that. I wonder if this post will take some bizarre amount of time too that has me coming to at 10:20 going "WTF?"

Perhaps the time lapse is due to my newest distraction StumbleUpon. It's a great tool that helps you TO WASTE A LOT OF TIME! Ha ha. It takes down all your interests and then directs you randomly to sites that you would be keen on based on those interests. I've found some great websites this way and it starts to really make you think about how some of the things you love (in my case graphic novels, design and other things) you have gotten out of touch with. There are a lot of amazing websites out there that I wouldn't have been able to find out about unless I read like a 100 magazines a day. It's funny about the need for randomness when using computers. Nora Young also talked about that on her great show Spark last week briefly. In a world where we have computers and so much information to sort through and organize we almost appreciate the surprise or the random a lot more. We have no control over it or when it happens. I think that is the appeal of things like StumbleUpon. Something comes right out of left field and by god isn't it interesting too. Depending on your perspective it can be a lot of fun and very informative or an incredible waste of time. John Lennon said that "Time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time." Interesting. The older I get, the more sense his words make to me.

Ok Pixies...yes the amazing band from Boston who are still one of my favourite bands and unlike anyone else. Well Pixies had a great surprise for everyone recently on facebook (sometimes you can smell the hype a mile away). A lot of people posted that it would be great to see a reformed Pixies bring out a new album and tour. That could still be a reality one day. Nope it was a surprise that 4AD is bringing out a new Pixies box set, Minotaur, of all their albums with new artwork. So for those of us who have all their, for fans of Vaughan Oliver...NEW ARTWORK! I wished that this secret might mean something incredible and while I am a fan of Oliver, the cds aren't remastered or anything, they are just the same ones you already own. Now if this gets new people interested in Pixies then that's cool but I can't help but feel like the record companies are capitalizing on early 90s music nostalgia or something. A new Pixies record, now that would be cool.

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