Thursday, July 08, 2010
Hot and Bothered

Physical State: sweaty
Mental State: bad-tempered
Music: Manual - Ascend
Fashion sense: jeans, brown t-shirt
Heat is pretty bad in Toronto this week. I always forget how bad it can really get with the humidity. I am longing for summers in Calgary again (it seemed hot there too but a lot more reasonable). So I decided to go back on the blog after many MANY months of not posting because I was moved to write. Maybe its the weather, maybe its that my patience and tolerance for stupidity has reached a new low, maybe its the two working in tandem for a not so great Thursday.
I started thinking while riding the bus to school - the one of three that I must ride to get to college - about the nature of complaining.
Complaints, I think, are something that you issue as a means to effect change. You are demonstrating your displeasure at the status quo not being so equal. So here are today's below, some complaints, some observations. Am I just being unreasonable or feeling a stronger sense of entitlement than usual. You be the judge. Lately I feel like Matthew Slaughter (Martin Donovan) in the movie "Trust."
1. if you drive a bus and you are responsible for the well-being of your passengers do you think it behooves you to talk on your cellphone? When you should be controlling a machine that could kill many people both internally and externally does it make sense to take one of your hands off the wheel? Isn't it also illegal in Ontario? Again aren't you a municipal employee who should obey your own muncipality's laws? Hmm.
2. if you are talking on a cellphone you are not in your living room within the confines of your own home. You are in a public space. Does it make everyone respect you more if you yell into your cellphone? Do we really care that you are carrying on that inane argument you had at home with the extended presence that new technology allows. Hang it up (or tone it down).
3. Why is it so hot?
4. Is the economy improving or is it just a bunch of smoke and mirrors. What prospects are there for employment after I finish school this summer. Am I better off than last year around this time? How many more days of Stephen Harper do we have now?
5. Is there a reason for reality tv shows that are not really reality?
6. Wipeout totally ripped off Most Extreme Elimination Challenge (which repurposed episodes of Takeshi's Castle with American dialogue) demonstrating once again that Hollywood has no original ideas so recommence pilfering of the Japanese. Oh btw they make better cars too. The Chrysler PT cruiser...let's get nostalgic for the good old days of cars from Dick Tracy. The ideation of that car must now seem like an episode of The Family Guy in retrospect.
7. A Facebook movie...really...and David Fincher signed on as well...really? Oh that can't be good. But then again I probably said the same thing about a new incarnation of Battlestar Galactica and I have to say, way off the mark on my original skepticism. Maybe its like a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup scenario. Chocolate and peanut butter acceptable on their own but together, even better. We shall see.
8. Why is it so hot?
9. Is it ok to think that Olivia Munn is pretty and funny at the same time? Am I just a shameless 40-something creep? (I can thank my writer friend Simone for making me focus in an iterative loop formation on this thought for most of the morning). Sidebar: earworms are the devil. If I hear "I'm Every Woman" one more time on the music system at work I will stick an icepick in my ear.
10. Why is it so hot?
OK so a blog seems to be a receptacle for venting, at least I am now sitting in an air-conditioned library composing this masterpiece so that's better. Maybe its small victories that matter.

Physical State: sweaty
Mental State: bad-tempered
Music: Manual - Ascend
Fashion sense: jeans, brown t-shirt
Heat is pretty bad in Toronto this week. I always forget how bad it can really get with the humidity. I am longing for summers in Calgary again (it seemed hot there too but a lot more reasonable). So I decided to go back on the blog after many MANY months of not posting because I was moved to write. Maybe its the weather, maybe its that my patience and tolerance for stupidity has reached a new low, maybe its the two working in tandem for a not so great Thursday.
I started thinking while riding the bus to school - the one of three that I must ride to get to college - about the nature of complaining.
Complaints, I think, are something that you issue as a means to effect change. You are demonstrating your displeasure at the status quo not being so equal. So here are today's below, some complaints, some observations. Am I just being unreasonable or feeling a stronger sense of entitlement than usual. You be the judge. Lately I feel like Matthew Slaughter (Martin Donovan) in the movie "Trust."
1. if you drive a bus and you are responsible for the well-being of your passengers do you think it behooves you to talk on your cellphone? When you should be controlling a machine that could kill many people both internally and externally does it make sense to take one of your hands off the wheel? Isn't it also illegal in Ontario? Again aren't you a municipal employee who should obey your own muncipality's laws? Hmm.
2. if you are talking on a cellphone you are not in your living room within the confines of your own home. You are in a public space. Does it make everyone respect you more if you yell into your cellphone? Do we really care that you are carrying on that inane argument you had at home with the extended presence that new technology allows. Hang it up (or tone it down).
3. Why is it so hot?
4. Is the economy improving or is it just a bunch of smoke and mirrors. What prospects are there for employment after I finish school this summer. Am I better off than last year around this time? How many more days of Stephen Harper do we have now?
5. Is there a reason for reality tv shows that are not really reality?
6. Wipeout totally ripped off Most Extreme Elimination Challenge (which repurposed episodes of Takeshi's Castle with American dialogue) demonstrating once again that Hollywood has no original ideas so recommence pilfering of the Japanese. Oh btw they make better cars too. The Chrysler PT cruiser...let's get nostalgic for the good old days of cars from Dick Tracy. The ideation of that car must now seem like an episode of The Family Guy in retrospect.
7. A Facebook movie...really...and David Fincher signed on as well...really? Oh that can't be good. But then again I probably said the same thing about a new incarnation of Battlestar Galactica and I have to say, way off the mark on my original skepticism. Maybe its like a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup scenario. Chocolate and peanut butter acceptable on their own but together, even better. We shall see.
8. Why is it so hot?
9. Is it ok to think that Olivia Munn is pretty and funny at the same time? Am I just a shameless 40-something creep? (I can thank my writer friend Simone for making me focus in an iterative loop formation on this thought for most of the morning). Sidebar: earworms are the devil. If I hear "I'm Every Woman" one more time on the music system at work I will stick an icepick in my ear.
10. Why is it so hot?
OK so a blog seems to be a receptacle for venting, at least I am now sitting in an air-conditioned library composing this masterpiece so that's better. Maybe its small victories that matter.
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Maybe it's a Gen X thing. No daycare, being latchkey kids made us bitter and angry, but I'm with you 100%. There is no civility in the world anymore. I blame reality TV for making people think they're more important than everyone else.
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