Sunday, March 30, 2003
Loveless Rocks!

A pajama-clad DJ Loveless
Physical State: SARS symptom free so far (knock on wood)
Mental State: hypochondriatic (is that a word?)
Music: Radio Loveless @ Live 365
Fashion sense: blue shirt, blue sweats
DJ Loveless (aka Joanne) has been voted the best indie rock dj for Live 365 for the end of the month of March! Give her great Radio Loveless audio stream a listen. This chick plays the best tunes, period! Worth staying in quarantine for. Check out this link for her weblog too.

Cat Power/Chan Marshall in Brett Vapnek's video of "He War"
Matador Records has added both high and low versions of the Brett Vapnek-directed video for He War by Cat Power. Click here to check it out. Is it just me or does the guy standing in shadow at the window look a lot like Bill Callahan (just something that I thought). Check it out. There is also a copy of the Cat Power David Letterman appearance from last week where she performed the beautiful "Maybe Not" available as a download from Jeremy's Cat power site. Click here to see it large, small or just to hear the audio. Love that Chan.
Saturday, March 29, 2003
Spending the weekend with S.A.R.S? York Central Hospital was where my father passed away and it is now closed to control the spread of SARS. My last contact was March 20 and there is a ten day quarantine. So that might mean that I have to hang out here at home for the remainder of the weekend! So maybe I will be watching a lot of tv and reading this weekend.
This sucks.
This sucks.
Friday, March 28, 2003
Back after almost a week and I'm doing ok and thank you everyone for your kind words. Thought you might like to read an article about Tony Dekker/Great Lake Swimmers that I've been going on about for weeks. Unfortunately I will not be able to attend his show with Picastro tonight at Clinton's but will in the near future. This debut album by Tony has been getting a lot of rotation on my cd player lately. Check out this article from Now from yesterday. To read it click here.
Saturday, March 22, 2003
Friday, March 21, 2003

Bruce Frederic Venn
Dec. 19, 1941 - March 20, 2003
My father passed away peacefully last night Thursday March 20 (on the eve of Spring). I'll miss you. I urge everyone to listen to some jazz today for him and say a prayer for us to grant us strength.
Wednesday, March 19, 2003
I Won't Play Smoke City Part Deux

Postal Service (also not coming to a city near you)
Physical State: sleepy
Mental State: slushy
Music: Great Lake Swimmers - s/t (advance copy), Cat Power - You Are Free
Fashion sense: grey shirt, blue sweats
Ok I know. One day on, one day off. Really busy yesterday and forgot yet again. Well seems that tonight's the night to see if George unleashed whoop-ass on the middle east. There are quite a lot of Americans even who feel that the attack is unwarranted (the media hate when they're wrong). Ok we all know it, this thing takes more time and besides 9-11 you don't see any Iraqi military forces driving tanks across the White House lawn do you? Wars are rarely the answer. You'd think that we come farther than that. Well just like Slim Pickens we may all be riding the missile into oblivion, yee ha!
On to more pressing concerns. Once again an American band that I'm interested to see live have not added any Canadian dates (the Dixie Chix are always welcome). No Ben Gibbard and Jimmy Tamborello's band Postal Service, who have a great new album Give Up on Subpop, have left out Vancouver, Montreal and Toronto on their newly announced tour. Add to that a tour for M. Ward who I'd also like to see live who has only added Vancouver to his tour. Come up here people we like you and the beer is better.
04-04 San Diego, CA - The Casbah
04-05 Tucson, AZ - Solar Culture
04-07 Austin TX - The Mercury
04-08 Dallas, TX - Gypsy Tea Room
04-09 Fayetteville, AR - JR's Lightbulb Club
04-10 St. Louis, MO - Rocket Bar
04-11 Nashville, TN - Slow Bar
04-12 Atlanta, GA - The Earl
04-13 Orlando, FL - The Social
04-14 Carrboro, NC - Go! Rehearsal
04-15 Washington, DC - Black Cat
04-17 Philadelphia, PA - North Star Bar
04-18 Brooklyn, NY - Northsix
04-19 New York NY - Bowery Ballroom
04-20 Cambridge MA - Middle East
04-22 Detroit MI - Magic Stick
04-23 Chicago IL - Abbey Pub
04-24 Milwaukee, WI - Wehr Hall
04-25 Minneapolis, MN - 7th Street Entry
04-26 Omaha, NE - Sokol Underground
04-27 Denver, CO - Bluebird Theater
04-28 Salt Lake City, UT - Urban Lounge
05-01 Seattle, WA - Crocodile Cafe
05-02 Portland, OR - The Blackbird
05-03 Los Gatos, CA - Los Gatos Outhouse
05-04 San Francisco, CA - Bottom of the Hill
05-05 Los Angeles, CA - The Echo
Monday, March 17, 2003
Physical State: shakey
Mental State: anxious
Music: Barzin - s/t (Ocean Music rerelease)
Fashion sense: blue t-shirt, grey sweats
Yes I know. Several days and what gives. It's been a lifelong problem this starting things and then not sticking with them. I think it would be a bit presumptious of me to assume that there are people out there who come to this site everyday and check out what I have to say. If you are one of them then I hope I can fulfill your needs more with the right attitude and keep this thing more current. It's been almost 4 days since I last wrote. Sometimes on the weekend my mind seems to go into an alternate time mode, a procrastinator's time murder mode. I once was told that by a grade school teacher, that I "murder" time. He was this somewhat anal-retentive instructor who wanted the entire world to live by his plan it seemed. Whatever. Here I go again sir, the Jeffrey Dahmer of serial procrastinators who writes his blog. So today is St. Patrick's Day and the luck of the irish may not be smiling down on the people of Iraq this day. I am fearful that Saddam Hussein will do something really stupid and launch missiles at the US (that is if he has any, we don't know because we haven't had enough time for him to disarm nor reveal them). I'm going to be really unpopular and say that I agree with most of this world's leaders in saying that war is not the solution. George Bush scares the hell out of me and his need for war, any war, is really an example of how far man has not come (I could say the same for Hussein). It's easy for me to make comments from the sidelines like some jaded critic but I think the thing that scares me the most is that people around the world are saying it's too soon and in a democracy your leader should listen to you (elected or not) and they aren't. My soapbox is made of cardboard though so I should get down off of it before I fall under my own weight but I think what's potentially going to happen is terribly terribly wrong and far too soon.
Mental State: anxious
Music: Barzin - s/t (Ocean Music rerelease)
Fashion sense: blue t-shirt, grey sweats
Yes I know. Several days and what gives. It's been a lifelong problem this starting things and then not sticking with them. I think it would be a bit presumptious of me to assume that there are people out there who come to this site everyday and check out what I have to say. If you are one of them then I hope I can fulfill your needs more with the right attitude and keep this thing more current. It's been almost 4 days since I last wrote. Sometimes on the weekend my mind seems to go into an alternate time mode, a procrastinator's time murder mode. I once was told that by a grade school teacher, that I "murder" time. He was this somewhat anal-retentive instructor who wanted the entire world to live by his plan it seemed. Whatever. Here I go again sir, the Jeffrey Dahmer of serial procrastinators who writes his blog. So today is St. Patrick's Day and the luck of the irish may not be smiling down on the people of Iraq this day. I am fearful that Saddam Hussein will do something really stupid and launch missiles at the US (that is if he has any, we don't know because we haven't had enough time for him to disarm nor reveal them). I'm going to be really unpopular and say that I agree with most of this world's leaders in saying that war is not the solution. George Bush scares the hell out of me and his need for war, any war, is really an example of how far man has not come (I could say the same for Hussein). It's easy for me to make comments from the sidelines like some jaded critic but I think the thing that scares me the most is that people around the world are saying it's too soon and in a democracy your leader should listen to you (elected or not) and they aren't. My soapbox is made of cardboard though so I should get down off of it before I fall under my own weight but I think what's potentially going to happen is terribly terribly wrong and far too soon.
Thursday, March 13, 2003

Physical State: lumbering
Mental State: slushy
Music: Tarwater - Dwellers On the Threshold
Fashion sense: black sweater, blue jeans
This new found obsession with Six Feet Under got me thinking about all the great tv shows of my youth and one in particular that I look back on fondly is CHCH Hamilton's 70s program The Hilarious House of Frightenstein. Originally made super cheap this show was based around one man, Billy Van, who played a ton of characters. Any Canadian male whose in his 30s will understand these words "The castle lights are growing dim, there's no one left but me and him...". This show fits neatly into my pre-teen obsession with all things horror based (Fangoria magazine, John Carpenter's Halloween, Stephen King novels, Edward Gorey, Poe and that "haunted house" on Mill street, now I realize these people were not gardening conscious). There's something Tim Burtonish in my teen makeup, it's in the bones (no pun intended). It's weird the way that I look back now at the late 70s and think of it as the cheese horror decade (even though brilliant movies like Evil Dead came later). I found a website tribute to this show awhile ago while talking to a co-worker about it. Nice to see the guy is still doing this tribute site. Sadly Billy passed away very recently but the memories of his incredible show live on. It was like Canada's answer to Ghoulardi or Elvira (even though Frightenstein never showed any movies to go along with the show). Check out more about it. A classic piece of Canadian television greatness. Oooga booga!
I'd also like to announce that Tony Dekker is releasing his Great Lake Swimmers disc at the end of the month with a date, March 28 at Clinton's w/ Picastro and Andy Magoffin (of Two Minute Miracles). Here is some info about Great Lake Swimmers that you might be interested in. You heard it here first, this guy's going to be famous very soon (and I'm not saying that just because he's a friend of mine). Great Lake Swimmers at Weewerks.
Wednesday, March 12, 2003

Physical State: creaky
Mental State: slow
Music: Absolutely Kosher Records - Mitzvoth Compilation (free from Absolutely Kosher)
Fashion sense: white t-shirt, grey sweats
Ok Six Feet Under. I know some of you American types and Movie Pix subscribers will already know about this tv series but I started watching the first season yesterday and man is it great. Won an ensemble award at the recent SAG awards recently. Go to this guide entry for more detailed info here. The story centres around the lives of the Fisher family of undertakers and every episode starts with a death that they have to attend to. This show reminds me a lot of a book that I read and thoroughly enjoyed called The Undertaking: Life Studies From the Dismal Trade by Thomas Lynch. The show is produced by American Beauty writer Alan Ball so it has a lot of dark humour to it and some interesting guest directors (including Canada's Jeremy Podewsa). I can't wait to see all the other episodes of this series (they're in their third season already! going to have lots to watch). Just like the Sopranos you can catch these shows on video or the complete first season now on DVD if you're not lucky enough to live in the US and have HBO (or satellite). Showcase get this show on the air already! Some of you will know of the brilliance of this show already and that's fine.
Tuesday, March 11, 2003
Physical State: weary
Mental State: assoholic
Music: True Fiction Pictures - Music From the Films of Hal Hartley
Fashion sense: grey t-shirt, blue jeans
"Did you get your disconnection notice" - Sonic Youth
"Me, I disconnect from you" - Gary Numan
Internet (Ab)usage Psychology 101
It's strange today. I really feel that I spend too much time online, writing emails and surfing (add to this a constant desire to update this blog on a daily basis). Lately I've been wondering how I would respond to a week without email or the internet. I think about my dad in that hospital whose life lately is made up of interaction with nurses and doctors and the odd relative who comes by now and then. I think about how lonely he must feel with so little interaction. Then I think about how many emails I get and how I also feel that sometimes life is passing me by. I seem to be disconnected from the outside world sometimes too (one of the conditions that arises from working from home I guess). There seems to be a slight disconnection definitely for me as well. Generally I am pretty self-reliant and independent but sometimes I start thinking about how much I talk (in emails) about getting together with people but never seeming to actually do it. It seems like the email interaction of talking about interacting IS the interacting. How sad a state for our world then. It's funny because I was thinking about my comment yesterday how it's so "Toronto" to be surprised when someone says hi to you (but I don't think it's a trait that's respective to Toronto alone). Why am I on about this? Well yesterday I decided to download AOL Instant Messenger and it got me to thinking. Is AOL Instant Messenger another step in our technological "evolution". Email isn't fast enough to respond to another, now you have to be able to respond in electronic correspondence in real time and ensuring that you're one step closer to not having to see them face to face! Another interesting turn in society is the concept of the "internet friend". I correspond and interact with people who are long distances away from me but feel that their interaction is just as valid as the guy who works the corner store. Some of them I've never even met or even seen and couldn't pick out of a crowd if you showed them to me. But yet I'm wrapt by their correspondence and find myself looking forward to interacting with these people I've never met, on a daily basis. It just makes you think, well if we can talk on the phone and Instant Message people and email them then when are we going to have time to actually interact with them in a social setting (when we've read all our emails and responded to voice mail I guess). Just the musings of a fool of course, but I'm seriously contemplating turning my email off for a week and seeing how I react without it. Of course it's not a denial of it. Technology keeps on rolling whether I turn it off or not (and I don't think I'll be giving up email in the long term). I'm just interested to see how much more free time I have if I do it. Sometimes it seems to me that the internet is the devil's work for idle hands if you get my drift. If you're busy then you're fine, if you're a procrastinator or marginally employed and have a lot of free time it can be a boon. But it's not in the 10 commandments, thou shall not email nor surf. Is it really a moral quandary? Weird. I could be just imagining all this being a serious problem. Am I "alone"?
I'd also like to say that the new issue of Rosco (available online a little later, but in stores now) is nothing short of brilliant. Totally volunteer and free to pick up. Some of the comics in this month's issue are incredible.
Mental State: assoholic
Music: True Fiction Pictures - Music From the Films of Hal Hartley
Fashion sense: grey t-shirt, blue jeans
"Did you get your disconnection notice" - Sonic Youth
"Me, I disconnect from you" - Gary Numan
Internet (Ab)usage Psychology 101
It's strange today. I really feel that I spend too much time online, writing emails and surfing (add to this a constant desire to update this blog on a daily basis). Lately I've been wondering how I would respond to a week without email or the internet. I think about my dad in that hospital whose life lately is made up of interaction with nurses and doctors and the odd relative who comes by now and then. I think about how lonely he must feel with so little interaction. Then I think about how many emails I get and how I also feel that sometimes life is passing me by. I seem to be disconnected from the outside world sometimes too (one of the conditions that arises from working from home I guess). There seems to be a slight disconnection definitely for me as well. Generally I am pretty self-reliant and independent but sometimes I start thinking about how much I talk (in emails) about getting together with people but never seeming to actually do it. It seems like the email interaction of talking about interacting IS the interacting. How sad a state for our world then. It's funny because I was thinking about my comment yesterday how it's so "Toronto" to be surprised when someone says hi to you (but I don't think it's a trait that's respective to Toronto alone). Why am I on about this? Well yesterday I decided to download AOL Instant Messenger and it got me to thinking. Is AOL Instant Messenger another step in our technological "evolution". Email isn't fast enough to respond to another, now you have to be able to respond in electronic correspondence in real time and ensuring that you're one step closer to not having to see them face to face! Another interesting turn in society is the concept of the "internet friend". I correspond and interact with people who are long distances away from me but feel that their interaction is just as valid as the guy who works the corner store. Some of them I've never even met or even seen and couldn't pick out of a crowd if you showed them to me. But yet I'm wrapt by their correspondence and find myself looking forward to interacting with these people I've never met, on a daily basis. It just makes you think, well if we can talk on the phone and Instant Message people and email them then when are we going to have time to actually interact with them in a social setting (when we've read all our emails and responded to voice mail I guess). Just the musings of a fool of course, but I'm seriously contemplating turning my email off for a week and seeing how I react without it. Of course it's not a denial of it. Technology keeps on rolling whether I turn it off or not (and I don't think I'll be giving up email in the long term). I'm just interested to see how much more free time I have if I do it. Sometimes it seems to me that the internet is the devil's work for idle hands if you get my drift. If you're busy then you're fine, if you're a procrastinator or marginally employed and have a lot of free time it can be a boon. But it's not in the 10 commandments, thou shall not email nor surf. Is it really a moral quandary? Weird. I could be just imagining all this being a serious problem. Am I "alone"?
I'd also like to say that the new issue of Rosco (available online a little later, but in stores now) is nothing short of brilliant. Totally volunteer and free to pick up. Some of the comics in this month's issue are incredible.
Monday, March 10, 2003

Leslie "Bitch LapLap" Feist
Physical State: tired
Mental State: foggy
Music: Out Hud - S.T.R.E.E.T. D.A.D. , Red House Painters - Songs for a Blue Guitar
Fashion sense: black sweatshirt, blue sweats
Missed yet another Sunday for posting. Hey got really busy (ok more lazy than busy). Hey congrats to Dave and Karin who told me yesterday that after 10 years of being together they're making it permanent. Yes Miss Lithium is getting hitched and moving to California! (getting married and living in am I jealous or what?) Congrats to you guys! Listening to the this great new album by this band called Out Hud. All instrumentals. Imagine what Do Make Say Think would sound like if it had a New Orderish/disco beat added to it. Really great. So I was at Wavelength last night and man was it packed (everyone there to see Jim Guthrie no doubt). Great show. The award for the one of the coolest Toronto celebrities whom I admire today goes to Leslie Feist (aka Bitch LapLap as part of the Peaches crew) who I hope puts out a new album soon. She seems really nice and always says hi to me at Wavelength (even though she doesn't know me. Why is it so Toronto to be amazed when someone says hi to you in a public place?). She seems geniuine and considerate. Well Leslie I have a copy of your album Monarch and I like it. So there you go. Okay sycophantic indie praise over.
Saturday, March 08, 2003

Sahara Hotnights

Teresa Strasser
Physical State: slow
Mental State: muddled
Music: Liars - They Threw Us All In a Trench... , McLusky - McLusky Do Dallas
Fashion sense: black shirt, blue sweats
Sahara Hotnights. Sahara Hotnights. Sahara Hotnights! I like girls who rawk. Joan Jett eat yer heart out. Another woman who rocks (albeit in a more domestic goddess kind of way) is Teresa Strasser from TLC's While You Were Out. Voted by 54.44% of the voters as a Most Annoying Celebrity in a poll at (Martha Stewart being numero uno), she still has something going on though. I've been getting a little addicted to this home improvement show for a little while (why are home makeovers so fascinating when you're flipping around the dial?). I can hear some of you snickering as you read this, it's ok. Teresa has her own info site if you wanted to find out more about her. Click on for more about this. In a dream she'll tell you she loves you, "but not yet" (watch the show and you'll know what that refers to). They make people's houses look hideous but she sure is cute.
Friday, March 07, 2003

Physical State: headachey
Mental State: bouncy
Music: Lali Puna - Tridecoder
Fashion sense: white shirt, blue sweats
Not much to say today except that I like this picture from this Love and Rockets comic. I wish I could get a poster of this image (it's a comic book equivalent to the "London Calling" Clash cover in my opinion). That Clash album cover image (taken by Pennie Smith in 1979) was voted as one of the greatest rock photos ever, I've included it for you to look at. Here we see Paul Simonon about to smash his bass. This is an image I would like to have framed someday. London Calling's cover design was totally appropriated in type treatment from this album by Elvis Presley (an homage to the King from the Clash no doubt). Interesting.
Thursday, March 06, 2003
Ok today I'm bandwagoning
for the Tanyas

Physical State: slouchy
Mental State: high-pitched spinning sound
Music: Trailer Bride - High Seas
Fashion sense: black sweatshirt, blue jeans
Yes today I'm bandwagoning (with these girls it seems ok to be). Be Good Tanyas, from Vancouver, have released their new album called Chinatown this week here in Toronto and while I never got into the Blue Horse debut (not sure why) they really are great. Fans of Oh Susanna, Emmylou and Gillian Welch will definitely be into these ladies. Seems that eye liked them too by putting them on the cover of their magazine this week (see above). So yes I'm jumping on a bandwagon by mentioning them but I'll be damned if these ladies don't make some great music. If you say you don't like country or "alternative bluegrass" then you never heard them. so check 'em out y'all. Recommended by your friendly neighbourhood johnny-come-lately. I also wanted to tell everyone how I've fostered a renewed interest in the film Bottle Rocket by Wes Anderson. Not sure if you've seen this flick but it's great. Thanks to those who have made me watch it again (and you know who you are).
Wednesday, March 05, 2003

Physical State: achey
Mental State: slow
Music: Papa M - Live From A Shark Cage
Fashion sense: green shirt, blue sweats
Saw Almodovar's "Talk To Her" last night and I thought it was very good. He seems to be going more in an emotional direction with his past few films (full of irony and more of the sentimental dark tone). I thought that this was incredibly original and it's great to see a film like this now and then. I felt the same way about his All About My Mother. I thought that Dario Grandinetti had the most expressive sad face that I've seen in a long time. The beautiful Leonor Watling (seen at left in poster) spends most of the movie in a coma, yet she does an incredible job. As does Rosario Flores as the bullfighter. The nice thing about this film is that it deals with how men react to women in a very sensitive and considerate manner. The women have strong roles too (even if they are the targets of affection). This really isn't a Hollywood movie though, because they get it right. Anyone who knows Almodovar films well will love this one. Nominated for best director and best screenplay at this year's Oscars, this film definitely deserves some recognition (you know it's going to be passed over. Sorry for being so cynical). I thoroughly loved this one.
Tuesday, March 04, 2003
I Won't Play Smoke City

Yeah Yeah Yeahs (not coming to a city near you)
Physical State: sleepy
Mental State: plodding
Music: Totally Radio's The Daily Show w/Claire Kember
Fashion sense: grey shirt, blue sweats
Yeah Yeah Yeahs have announced that they are releasing their debut full length "A Date With A Night" on April 14. YYYs have also announced that they are doing a tour. Yes only one single Canadian date on this tour in Vancouver (no Toronto, no Montreal...shall I even mention leaving Regina, Saskatchewan off the list). No fault really of YYYs, probably more to do with the booking agents not wanting to deal with Canadian border guards or the record companies decision (come on Touch n Go these guys are pretty big. Hello Mr. Rusk? How come your best signing of the past year won't play up here?). Ok so I've been reading about how great they are live and then I don't get a chance to see them in that context, sucks. I don't know if its a security issue or if it's just a damn pain to deal with Canada customs (probably both) but many great bands pass Toronto by on the Rochester to Detroit leg of their tour. Here's hoping the 4 day gap in between Cleveland and Boston is to include Toronto and Montreal and hasn't been confirmed yet. So here are the tour dates if you happen to be an American (or from Vancouver):
04-03 New York, NY - Bowery Ballroom
04-05 Philadelphia, PA - First Unitarian Church
04-06 Washington, DC - Black Cat
04-07 Carrboro, NC - Cat's Cradle
04-08 Atlanta, GA - Echo Lounge
04-11 Houston, TX - Fat Cat's (formerly Mary Jane's)
04-12 Denton, TX - Rubber Gloves
04-13 Austin, TX - Emo's
04-16 Tucson, AZ - Club Congress
04-17 San Diego, CA - The Scene
04-18 Los Angeles, CA - Henry Fonda Theatre
04-20 San Francisco, CA - Bottom Of The Hill
04-21 San Francisco, CA - Great American Music Hall
04-24 Portland, OR - Meow Meow
04-25 Seattle, WA - Showbox
04-26 Vancouver, BC - Richard's On Richards
04-29 Minneapolis, MN - 400 Bar
04-30 Chicago, IL - Metro / Smart Bar
05-01 Detroit, MI - Majestic Theatre
05-02 Cleveland, OH - Beachland Ballroom & Tavern
05-06 Boston, MA - TBA
05-07 New York, NY - Irving Plaza
05-08 New York, NY - Irving Plaza
Monday, March 03, 2003

Chan Marshall (cover of Harp magazine)
Physical State: leaden
Mental State: sluggish
Music: Cat Power - You Are Free
Fashion sense: black t-shirt, blue jeans
Ok it seems I'm a bit remiss on a few days this past weekend with keeping this blog up and sorry for those of you who were looking for your daily Stranger Than Paradise fix. I decided to put on Cat Power today for J.M. who told me she doesn't like Cat Power, last night. I don't agree but J's point was that Chan bugs her because she says she's tired of hearing Chan say "I can't play and that I suck". You should listen to the new album J, true live it's a different story but on album oh man. I think that Chan has a true Aquarian perfectionist streak (I tell people that my guitar playing sucks too).
So I ended up seeing zero bands at Canadian Music week. Seems I'm not the only one whose not so keen on the festival either anymore. I think that the whole thing seems kind of like a joke when we have NXNE as well. I would love it if they could turn the two into one festival (most of the bands end up playing NXNE anyway). What do I know.
Not much to say today. Move along, nothing to see here. :-)