Tuesday, April 29, 2003

Britta and Dean-o look to Italian arthouse films for title inspiration.
Monica looks suprisingly unimpressed
Physical State: slow
Mental State: foggy
Music: Mean Red Spiders - Still Life Fast Moving
Fashion sense: black t-shirt, blue sweats
Speaking of Britta Phillips a few days ago, I was reading at pitchforkmedia.com today that she and Dean Wareham of Luna have a new Luna side project called inventively "Dean Wareham & Britta Phillips". The new Jetset covers release will be called "L'Avventura" no doubt after the excellent Anotonioni film of the same name. There's going to be a cover of Silver Jews' "Random Rules" on there as well, yes guy, the brilliance of David Berman! This song of course includes the memorable lines:
I asked the painter why the roads are colored black.
He said, "Steve, it's because people leave
and no highway will bring them back.
Monday, April 28, 2003

Claire Kember
Physical State: crackin'
Mental State: cloudy
Music: Labradford - Mi Media Naranja
Fashion sense: black t-shirt, jeans
Over the weekend I learned some disturbing news that my friend in Brighton, UK, Claire Kember had taken ill and even ended up in hospital. I knew that she has been sick and had to cancel appearing for some of her shows at Totally Radio. I did not know how serious it had gotten and hadn't listened for the past week to her show. Well it appears that she didn't have SARS (thankfully or not it's only found in China and Toronto so far, but it's not as big a problem in Toronto as the World Health Organization would have you think). The news today is that Claire has returned home from the hospital and is now recovering. She should be returning to Totally Radio in the not too distant future and I, along with a lot of her listeners, wish her a speedy recovery. Get well soon my friend.
One other thing that deserves mentioning is all-free cd release show next Tuesday night at Lee's Palace for Hamilton's A Northern Chorus (openers Great Lake Swimmers!). A Northern Chorus' new cd Spirit Flags promises to be another great collection of their Slowdive-y inspired indie pop on their new label home Sonic Unyon. Go and check them both out. This show shouldn't be free but I hope more people go because it is. Nice one.
Sunday, April 27, 2003
Band on the Run
(aka Soundtrack Movies Part 1)

Physical State: achey
Mental State: sunny
Music: Luna - Penthouse
Fashion sense: grey t-shirt, blue sweats
Okay so I watched this German film yesterday that at first glance seemed a bit lame. It was a film called "Bandits" about an all-girl band of prison convicts who escape when they have to perform a concert for a Policeman's ball. We watch as they tear across Germany becoming outlaw idols. I realize that the band in the film is actually the band that plays most of the songs on the soundtrack (which gives me a new found respect for them). There's even a cover of pop group St. Etienne's "Hobart Paving" done by the band called "Catch Me" (which appears near the end of the film). The story is basically a road movie with these convict girls becoming unlikely rock 'n' roll stars (no one seems to be able to explain how they get all this equipment when they're supposed to be on the run, but ok whatever, it's just a movie). Apparently this was a huge hit in Germany and solidified the stardom of Jasmin Tabatabai, a German pop singer/musician. Apparently she is going to be part of the touring band for a Nena reunion tour (yes that Nena). If the film is light on script it makes up for it in the fact that Katja Von Garnier made a film where girls are the band and that they actually can play (ok Britta Phillips was in "Satisfaction" and now she plays bass for Luna, not such a rarity I guess). While this movie is interesting it just doesn't deliver the way I thought it should, maybe I need to watch it again. Maybe you can watch it and tell me. This brings to mind again Pagan Kennedy's great little book "The Exes", how come this isn't a film yet? Let's get crackin' there hollywood. Hey Lily Taylor how are those guitar lessons coming along?
Saturday, April 26, 2003

Physical State: slouchy
Mental State: skittery
Music: Serge Gainsbourg - Histoire de Melody Nelson
Fashion sense: blue t-shirt, blue sweats
Yeah so what's with the Parker Posey and where ya been? Answer #1. Parker reminds me of the new girl who works at the video store is all. Of course Miss M doesn't seem to want to give me the time of day, story of my life, etc. So that's what that was all about. As for answer #2...
Well I'm not sure if it's post-simpsons ads craziness that had me taking it easier or something this second half of the week or if I'm just damn lazy. It's really hard for me to account for my whereabouts for the past few days. I mean not that I forgot, just that I didn't do anything all that remarkable. I started thinking that if I ever had to go back to the regular 9-5 work world that I'd be in trouble. It's been almost a year and a half that I've been working from home at my own pace. Sure finances have been better but I also find that I don't have the stress to "do this, then do that, then do this". I'm never one who likes routine (although I probably could benefit from it). I really have no defense for not having written the great Canadian novel yet or not making great Art. I think though that I have grown in the last year a little more as an adult, examining life and understanding the importance of family and making the most of today. Sorry to be all Oprah about it but I think that I've done something, it's just not that easy to put my finger on.
Why am I carrying on about this stuff today. Well I think since my dad's passing I've started to look around me and think about where I'm headed. I look around and see friends and family married and pregnant (or both) or at least in committed relationships and I wonder how come that's not me, where have I been, where am I going? I'm 34, single, not married, in good health, could lose a few pounds sure but generally not badly off. I also see other friends who have split up too. So where do I fit in to all of this? What makes me different that I don't have these things, "do I need to grow more?" is always a question in the back of mind. I've begun to think that it's just luck, you don't have a choice in these things, they just happen, man. So don't fret about it just keep going on. Live. I've begun to think that the thing to feel good about is not the accolades for writing that great Canadian novel or some other masterpiece but to just have a laugh, say a kind word to a friend, help them out, drink a good coffee and read a good book. To just be, as they say, "keepin' it real". Okay so where is all of this taking us and "you may ask yourself...well, how did I get here"? I'm about halfway through this great book by Thomas Lynch. You may remember me writing about his first book "The Undertaking: Life Studies From the Dismal Trade" and how I thought of this book when I started watching Six Feet Under. I picked up his second book "Bodies at Rest and in Motion: On Metaphor and Mortality" and it's even better than his first. I have to say that these books are important for everyone to read, not just people who are grieving. I'd hate to think that people would avoid these books because he's a funeral director. They are extremely entertaining and enlightening. He has an incredible sense of humour that is often black but he also has a humility about his writing too that I find interesting. Both of his books deal in a very poetic way with mortality and life. As well you get the feeling that funeral people are just like everyone else, sometimes the job is just a job but it can also be a joy in helping people attain closure. They live and work, love and laugh just like everyone. His matter of fact style of writing and dealing with thoughts of mortality are more philosophical than clinical. He makes death seem logical and just another facet of everything that makes a life complete and to be accepted. In his dealings with his work he has become more alive, more thankful and respectful for today but also more comfortable with mortality and not fearful of it. I've rarely felt like writing an author and thanking them for their books but this is one time I'm considering it. I get a real sense that Alan Ball in creating Six Feet Under must have read his books over and over again. Truly inspiring. Check them out.
Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Parker Posey
Why a picture of Parker Posey you ask? Why not. She reminds me of someone. We can have dreams can't we? But this will mostly likely end in a Miss Marcel situation...doomed, doomed I say. Oh well...movin' on (one day I wil post the theory of the Miss Marcel).

Nina Simone
Physical State: hot
Mental State: grey
Music: Nina Simone - Verve Jazz Masters 17
Fashion sense: grey shirt, grey sweats
Today we lost another great singer and voice of independence in this world, Dr. Nina Simone. A huge influence on many musicians and artists as well as being a civil rights activist, she will be missed. I invite you all who know of her work to play one of her cds today and for those of you who don't know about her to find out more about her. A strong voice silenced. She was 70.
Monday, April 21, 2003
Pretty sad Easter all round this year.
ashes to ashes
dust to dust...
(goodbye for now but not forever Dad, I'll miss you)
We spread my fathers ashes yesterday at the beach, a solemn occasion. I feel ok though, suprisingly.
ashes to ashes
dust to dust...
(goodbye for now but not forever Dad, I'll miss you)
We spread my fathers ashes yesterday at the beach, a solemn occasion. I feel ok though, suprisingly.
Saturday, April 19, 2003

Leonor Watling in "Son de Mar"
Physical State: slow
Mental State: melancholic
Music: Piano Magic - Son De Mar
Fashion sense: black shirt, blue jeans
Aristotle's definition of Greek tragedy
A tragedy then, is the imitation {mimesis) of an action that is serious and also, as having magnitude, complete in itself; in language with pleasurable accessories, each kind brought in separately in the parts of the work; in a dramatic, not in a narrative form; with incidents arousing pity and fear, wherewith to accomplish its catharsis of such emotions.
There remains, then, the intermediate kind of personage, a man not pre-eminently virtuous and just, whose misfortune however, is brought upon him not by depravity and vice but by some error of judgement, (hamartia) of the number of those in the enjoyment of great reputation and prosperity; eg Oedipus, Thyestes, and man of note of similar families. The perfect plot, accordingly, must have a single issue; the change in the hero's fortunes must be from happiness to misery; and the cause of it must lie not in any depravity, but in some great error on his part; the man himself being either such as we have desribed, or better, not worse than that. The anagnorisis or "moment of recognition" when the truth is at last revealed being the true emotional crux or climax of the play -- either succeeding or preceding the most dramatic events (the katastasis).
Just finished watching my taping of last night's Showcase movie "Son de Mar". While this movie is kind of weak it has some beautiful photography. The sad story centres around Martina (the beautiful Leonor Watling from "Talk To Her") and Ulises and like the other Ulysses this tale has some greek tragedy to it. It's a bit of a sad fairy tale story for adults. Why is it that little European dramas like this always make me depressed (same thing happened with Lovers of the Artic Circle...hmm both Spanish films, interesting). It's a beautiful day outside and I'm sitting here writing in this blog thinking about how broke I am and saddened by movies. Pretty pathetic. Guess I should snap out of it. I decided to listen to the soundtrack that I have by Piano Magic (which plays a very small part in the film I might add). So sad sounding too. I guess the other reason I'm kind of down is that because this is the first holiday that my Dad isn't around for (Easter was always a family holiday with a dinner and everything). This year I have a hollow and empty feeling (they say that all holidays the first time around are hard). I heard Sigur Ros' Untitled #1 and it made me very low too. Sorry but hey this is real life, blogs aren't all sweetness and light, but I will be ok.
Oh it sounds like my stupid neighbours are back so maybe that'll give me a reason to get out today.
Thursday, April 17, 2003

Physical State: leaden
Mental State: headachey
Music: Cinerama - Torino
Fashion sense: green shirt, blue jeans
Ok so one day on, one day off it seems. Sorry. I've been really busy doing all these Simpsons-based ads that are appearing around Toronto on billboards and also in transit shelters. Good money. Nice for a change. John asked me if I was interested in going to see the Field-Day Festival but its the same weekend as NXNE (and I'm broke too). As much as I would love to go to New York, I can't swing it. Some of the lineup looks interesting though:
June 7th:
Radiohead, Beck, Thievery Corporation, Spiritualized, Beth Orton, Interpol, Röyksopp, Liz Phair, Tortoise, The Raveonettes, Ben Lee, My Morning Jacket, Gemma Hayes, 22-20s, Trachtenberg Family Slideshow Players
June 8:
The Beastie Boys , Sigur Rós , The Roots, Blur, Elliott Smith, N.E.R.D., Blackalicious , Peanut Butter Wolf, The Music , Polyphonic Spree, Le Tigre
go to: http://www.fielddayfest.com/ for more info. Tickets are pricey though. $150 for outdoor concert tickets versus $25 for the NXNE wristband...hmmm hard to compare. I have a suspicion that this year's NXNE is going to be a good one.
In the ongoing retro groove of sifting through my tape collection I listened to a few others that might interest you including Jesus and Mary Chain - Honey's Dead, Nitzer Ebb - Belief and My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult - I See Good Spirits and I See Bad Spirits. Some albums age better than others. The whole Wax Trax thing seems a bit dated when you consider where electronic music has gone but its still fun to hear some of the old tracks from my university days.
Tony Dekker/Great Lake Swimmers is playing a solo show at C'est What on Monday night with Tamara Williamson and Junetile. This is a rare opportunity to see Tony sans band and really intimate. Should be good.
Get well soon Claire.
Tuesday, April 15, 2003

Physical State: hot
Mental State: whiny
Music: Xmal Deutschland - Tocsin (yeah a 20 year old cassette, still works well), Front Line Assembly - Tactical Neural Implant, Manufacture - The Voice of World Control
Fashion sense: plaid shirt, blue jeans
Today is nostalgic day it seems for the music. I listened to this old old tape of Xmal Deutschland that I had since I was a teenager today. They were kind of like the German Siouxsie and the Banshees. Who knew what they were singing. This was a 4AD release back when that label ruled the 80's. I'm also listening right now to Frontline Assembly's "Tactical Neural Implant". I love "The Blade", what a song. You may know them better by their softer more ambient side known as Delerium. They were like a band of onetime Skinny Puppy collaborator Bill Leeb, total industrial dance, love it. They don't make stuff this dark anymore. I remember seeing them live once in 1988. Similar to Front 242 in a lot of ways but also strikingly similar to Delerium too. I remember listening to "The Blade" at the Cotton Club back in the day. I love the part of the one song where the guy from the tv show says "Frontline" and then it breaks into this incredible heavy beat. As a graphic designer this band in my mind was made for spinning metallic 3d logos (no suprise they had one at their show on a huge screen all the time that spun in various directions). Ah the memories. I think I'm going to go through all my old tapes and see if there are any that I should replace on cd. It's kind of fun to relisten to old stuff. I also pulled out my old cassette of Manufacture's "Voice of World Control", total industrial dance until you get to the incredibly catchy Human League/Heaven 17-inspired "New Decision". Where are all these bands now I ask you? Die Warzau, Front 242, Moev, Cyberactif, Chris and Cosey, Hilt and all that Nettwerk industrial dance stuff from the 80's, all faded into obscurity.
Sorry to hear about your grandmother Babak. My condolences to you and your family.
Monday, April 14, 2003
Physical State: creaky
Mental State: mashed potato
Music: Great Lake Swimmers - s/t
Fashion sense: grey t-shirt, blue sweats
Not much to say today. Busy. Cat Power last night? Excellent. More later.
Mental State: mashed potato
Music: Great Lake Swimmers - s/t
Fashion sense: grey t-shirt, blue sweats
Not much to say today. Busy. Cat Power last night? Excellent. More later.
Thursday, April 10, 2003

Physical State: lumbering
Mental State: taffyesque
Music: Joni Mitchell - Blue (taken out from the library all the time)
Fashion sense: green t-shirt, grey sweats
Ok I know what you're going to say. "Joni Mitchell?" Yes Joni Mitchell, dammit! This 1971 album is one of her best and she was very much the "indie" artist of her time, just listen to some of the lyrics on this album and you'll understand. You have to remember that in this post-post punk world, some of her stuff might come off as light and airy but at that time I'm sure she was groundbreaking (I dunno I was 2 at the time). Some of her musicianship and performance on this album is just incredible. In much the same way I see Cohen as an indie artist so I see Joni. It's really easy to hear how she influenced (or was copped by in some cases) a generation of folk-tinged artists after her (Cat Power, Christine Fellows, Julie Doiron, Tracy Thorn, Tracy Chapman, Tori Amos and Beth Orton). I would love to hear Julie Doiron do a cover of "Blue" or hear Cat Power do a cover of "River". I remember reading about a project that was going to have some great indie female artists do covers of this entire album but I don't think it ever came into being not sure.
Speaking of Cat Power, I managed to get a ticket to the Opera House show on Sunday afterall. I think I'm going to buy tickets from the Horseshoe all the time for events because the price is right man.
File this under: It can't happen only in the US, eh?

Dorian Baxter preaching the
gospel of the other King
Another interesting twist of American culture meets religion is the phenomenon of Newmarket, Ontario anglican priest and Elvis impersonator Dorian Baxter who goes by the name Elvis Priestley. He has been controversially shunned by the Anglican Bishops of Ontario and has set up his own "church", the Graceland Independent Anglican Church of Canada. He made an appearance on Breakfast Television on City TV today and I'd forgotten how cool this guy was (albeit kind of wacko). He performed a wedding for my sister's friend Jenny awhile ago and that was quite a bizarre one. He performed the service then donned sunglasses, removed the collar and pulled out a scarf to preach the gospel of "Don't Be Cruel". He has become one of those characters who you just have to admire for the sheer guts to do their thing. Viva Las Vegas, my son. Click here for an article about him that appeared in USA Today a few months ago.
Wednesday, April 09, 2003
Physical State: slight twitch (two coffees in, no luck yet)
Mental State: molasses
Music: Labradford - E Luxo So
Fashion sense: blue t-shirt, grey sweats
Discovered this great site about P.T. Anderson (and I bookmarked it under the favourites at left too). P.T. Anderson is the director of four great films that many of you have probably seen (Hard Eight, Boogie Nights, Magnolia and Punch-Drunk Love). I think about his examinations on human life often and I think he and Charlie Kaufmann are two of the most original people working in so-called Hollywood. An interesting fact that I found out at this site is that he's the son of the Cleveland tv favourite Ghoulardi who was kind of the Count Floyd of Cleveland (albeit I'm sure the movies Ghoulardi introduced were scarier). Another thing that I wanted to draw people's attention to is the Cat Power tour which I haven't got a ticket for now (something about "he who waits is..." inserted here). So if you've been thinking about it, go and get a ticket today because it'll sell out. If I got to see this show it would be I think no. 6 so you know that it's not going to be that different from the others (different band though). I'm sure that with this much attention to the new album that Chan will be back though. Still it's kind of embarassing as I run a mailing list about her and I'm obviously a fan. I guess there's always the scalpers. I've also added a link to Brainwashed which is a fantastic website Brainwashed run by Jon Whitney. Lots of great experimental stuff (like Labradford as linked to above. An album that has the most incredible track titles) and info and even a radio station at Shoutcast. This guy has been supporting the cause for years and deserves some long overdue respect. So check it.
Mental State: molasses
Music: Labradford - E Luxo So
Fashion sense: blue t-shirt, grey sweats
Discovered this great site about P.T. Anderson (and I bookmarked it under the favourites at left too). P.T. Anderson is the director of four great films that many of you have probably seen (Hard Eight, Boogie Nights, Magnolia and Punch-Drunk Love). I think about his examinations on human life often and I think he and Charlie Kaufmann are two of the most original people working in so-called Hollywood. An interesting fact that I found out at this site is that he's the son of the Cleveland tv favourite Ghoulardi who was kind of the Count Floyd of Cleveland (albeit I'm sure the movies Ghoulardi introduced were scarier). Another thing that I wanted to draw people's attention to is the Cat Power tour which I haven't got a ticket for now (something about "he who waits is..." inserted here). So if you've been thinking about it, go and get a ticket today because it'll sell out. If I got to see this show it would be I think no. 6 so you know that it's not going to be that different from the others (different band though). I'm sure that with this much attention to the new album that Chan will be back though. Still it's kind of embarassing as I run a mailing list about her and I'm obviously a fan. I guess there's always the scalpers. I've also added a link to Brainwashed which is a fantastic website Brainwashed run by Jon Whitney. Lots of great experimental stuff (like Labradford as linked to above. An album that has the most incredible track titles) and info and even a radio station at Shoutcast. This guy has been supporting the cause for years and deserves some long overdue respect. So check it.
Tuesday, April 08, 2003
Physical State: carpally left hand (love those bezier points)
Mental State: tangental
Music: The Hidden Cameras - Ecce Homo (need to get their new album)
Fashion sense: grey t-shirt, blue jeans
I'm very busy and have a lot of work to do today. I wish I could take a nap. Well maybe this site for all things sadcore will be almost like it:
Take a Nap
Oh and Notwist...what the hell happened? :-P
Mental State: tangental
Music: The Hidden Cameras - Ecce Homo (need to get their new album)
Fashion sense: grey t-shirt, blue jeans
I'm very busy and have a lot of work to do today. I wish I could take a nap. Well maybe this site for all things sadcore will be almost like it:
Take a Nap
Oh and Notwist...what the hell happened? :-P
Monday, April 07, 2003
Physical State: creaky
Mental State: foggy
Music: The Places (f. Amy Annelle) - The Autopilot Knows You Best, Raising The Fawn - s/t
Fashion sense: black shirt, grey sweats (getting read for that Vogue shoot undoubtedly)
Because I am always misplacing things, I know if I put these on my blog I can access them anywhere, anytime. Sad songs say so much (when words can't). Here are some Cat Power "You Are Free" chords for you guitar players out there (done shorthand, you'll have to listen along with the record for timing and proper technique). No chords for "Babydoll" though, that's too hard to pick out for us amateurs. This is totally subjective and what I hear, there might be a mistake or two but it's fun to play along, if you want to really get that raining day feeling (aka as "Monday" for sadcore music fans). Enjoy.
CAT POWER - You Are Free
I Don't Blame You
(even though this is a piano song, probably still works)
Intro: Dm C C X 4
Dm Dm C C Dm Dm C C
Last time I saw you, you were on stage
Dm Dm C C Dm Dm C C
Your hair was wild, your eyes were red
And you were in a rage
C G Am F
You were swinging your guitar around.
C G Am F
Cause they wanted to hear that sound
Dm Dm C C
But you didn’t want to play.
Dm Dm C C X 4
And I don’t blame you.
C G Am F
I don’t blame you.
(continues for other verses)
(background rhythm chords)
G Bb A C (All Barre Chords, you can hear the transitions on the cd)
(capo first fret)
C G F Am (various fingerpicking and hammering on C)
Continues throughout song
A G D C (All Barre Chords)
Starts on constant Am (hammering on and off on d string at beginning of sequence)
Am E F E x4 each (hitting bass note then strumming)
Am C Am C Am C G F F
Am C Am C Am C G F F F F
Am C Am C Am C Am C Am C G F F F
Bb Bb Am Am Am (hammer off/on D string) Am C C G G G
F (hammer on/off E string) E (hammer on/off G string)
E (long strum) A G(long strum) A (repeat through entire song)
(hit bass string then strum)
Am x 12
Am C G F (repeat throughout)
(capo first fret)
Dm Am
F Gb (barre Chord, sounds different on piano)
(hit bass string then strum)
A D E (x4 each)
D A (x2 each)
(Capo 2nd Fret)
(All barre chords relative to capo)
Dm Gm Dm Cm
Mental State: foggy
Music: The Places (f. Amy Annelle) - The Autopilot Knows You Best, Raising The Fawn - s/t
Fashion sense: black shirt, grey sweats (getting read for that Vogue shoot undoubtedly)
Because I am always misplacing things, I know if I put these on my blog I can access them anywhere, anytime. Sad songs say so much (when words can't). Here are some Cat Power "You Are Free" chords for you guitar players out there (done shorthand, you'll have to listen along with the record for timing and proper technique). No chords for "Babydoll" though, that's too hard to pick out for us amateurs. This is totally subjective and what I hear, there might be a mistake or two but it's fun to play along, if you want to really get that raining day feeling (aka as "Monday" for sadcore music fans). Enjoy.
CAT POWER - You Are Free
I Don't Blame You
(even though this is a piano song, probably still works)
Intro: Dm C C X 4
Dm Dm C C Dm Dm C C
Last time I saw you, you were on stage
Dm Dm C C Dm Dm C C
Your hair was wild, your eyes were red
And you were in a rage
C G Am F
You were swinging your guitar around.
C G Am F
Cause they wanted to hear that sound
Dm Dm C C
But you didn’t want to play.
Dm Dm C C X 4
And I don’t blame you.
C G Am F
I don’t blame you.
(continues for other verses)
(background rhythm chords)
G Bb A C (All Barre Chords, you can hear the transitions on the cd)
(capo first fret)
C G F Am (various fingerpicking and hammering on C)
Continues throughout song
A G D C (All Barre Chords)
Starts on constant Am (hammering on and off on d string at beginning of sequence)
Am E F E x4 each (hitting bass note then strumming)
Am C Am C Am C G F F
Am C Am C Am C G F F F F
Am C Am C Am C Am C Am C G F F F
Bb Bb Am Am Am (hammer off/on D string) Am C C G G G
F (hammer on/off E string) E (hammer on/off G string)
E (long strum) A G(long strum) A (repeat through entire song)
(hit bass string then strum)
Am x 12
Am C G F (repeat throughout)
(capo first fret)
Dm Am
F Gb (barre Chord, sounds different on piano)
(hit bass string then strum)
A D E (x4 each)
D A (x2 each)
(Capo 2nd Fret)
(All barre chords relative to capo)
Dm Gm Dm Cm
Sunday, April 06, 2003
Physical State: 5 kmph
Mental State: wet cardboard
Music: Amy Annelle - School of Secret Dangers
Fashion sense: white shirt, blue jeans
Smiling while feeling sick, what a concept. Last night there was something we'll call "freaky stylee" I shared with my friend Wendy and I was feeling instantly sick after partaking. Really quite embarassing actually. So later I'm standing there talking to her after almost being sick and I feel bad and here I am smiling like an idiot. Kids this is your mind, this is your mind on...
So I was checking out more of The Classic Brown's songs and Stacey reminds me of these different artists in no particular order:
Amy Annelle / The Places
Ida/Elizabeth Mitchell/K. (Karla Schickele)
Michelle McAdorey
Nina Nastasia
Retsin / Tara Jane O'Neil
Rebecca Gates
Lisa Germano
Shannon Wright
Oh Susanna
Edith Frost
Be Good Tanyas
Very busy and I lost an hour this morning already (daylight savings time). So I better get back to it.
Mental State: wet cardboard
Music: Amy Annelle - School of Secret Dangers
Fashion sense: white shirt, blue jeans
Smiling while feeling sick, what a concept. Last night there was something we'll call "freaky stylee" I shared with my friend Wendy and I was feeling instantly sick after partaking. Really quite embarassing actually. So later I'm standing there talking to her after almost being sick and I feel bad and here I am smiling like an idiot. Kids this is your mind, this is your mind on...
So I was checking out more of The Classic Brown's songs and Stacey reminds me of these different artists in no particular order:
Amy Annelle / The Places
Ida/Elizabeth Mitchell/K. (Karla Schickele)
Michelle McAdorey
Nina Nastasia
Retsin / Tara Jane O'Neil
Rebecca Gates
Lisa Germano
Shannon Wright
Oh Susanna
Edith Frost
Be Good Tanyas
Very busy and I lost an hour this morning already (daylight savings time). So I better get back to it.
Saturday, April 05, 2003
Brown Power!

Stacey Brown
Physical State: shakey
Mental State: beige
Music: The Classic Brown - The Classic Brown ep (online listening of ep)
Fashion sense: blue sweater, blue jeans
Discovered a couple of great things today. One is this excellent internet radio station that's second only to Joanne's called Mellow Indie and Noise at Live365. Really great tunes there man! As well I've also followed a link from the Mellow Indie page and discovered the little indie gem in the form of Stacey Brown and her band called The Classic Brown. Why isn't this girl famous and how come she hasn't played Wavelength yet? She's a Canadian (and I love finding about indie Canadians doing interesting things). John Crossingham produced one of her songs (of Raising the Fawn and Soundscapes music consultant, from right here in Toronto).
Friday, April 04, 2003
TGI-Tyler Friday baby!

Tyler Clark Burke flanked by admirers
yet again
Physical State: gravity-stricken
Mental State: ferret-y
Music: Out Hud - S.T.R.E.E.T. D.A.D., Notwist - Neon Golden
Fashion sense: grey sweatshirt, blue jeans
Sis Boom Bah is showing an exhibition of drawings by Tyler Clark Burke one of the two indie-mistresses from Three Gut Records. Way to go Tyler. Nice to see your art in a gallery instead of in the window of Rotate This for a change. Click on the link for Sis Boom Bah for more info and directions.
Joanne aka DJ Loveless will be spinning the fine tunes yet again come Tuesday night at Subculture at Cinema Classics in NYC! Check the Voice or time out for info on how to get there (ok I'm being lazy today).
I am also having an INTERVIEW today. It's for a funky bookstore chain here in Toronto called Book City. The pay will be crappy, the discounts will be ok but I think it might be fun. At least it will keep me out of trouble and it won't hurt to make some extra cash as well. Wish me luck with that whoever you are.
I apologize as well to Ulrike and Barzin whose shows I didn't attend last night. We got hit by this wicked ice/snow storm and I was also doing some work for Comedy really late (tight deadline). I will try to see Ulrike's art show and catch Barzin next time he comes to town.
Well got a lot going on today so this is a short one.
Wednesday, April 02, 2003
Hey everybody, it's Barzin and Ulrike!

Physical State: creaky
Mental State: plodding
Music: Neko Case - Blacklisted, Daily Show w/Claire Kember
Fashion sense: black shirt, grey sweats
Barzin is playing this Thursday, April 3 at C'est What (come out even just to hear his Sparklehorse cover, amazing). He's appearing with Montreal's wonderful Below the Sea. You can check out more about barzin by clicking here and more about Below The Sea by clicking here.

Ulrike Balke will also be doing an exhibition of her excellent paintings at the Here + Now Gallery, 527 Parliament St., Toronto, Opening Thursday 7-10pm. Go and check out her stuff out if you're so inclined, promises to be a good show. So things are going pretty slow today, I'm really plodding along here. I started thinking that I really should take a trip to London, England soon (or somewhere). But it comes back to the money situation again, as always. Maybe just a road trip would do me good. I really enjoy sometimes just driving and listening to some good tapes (I'm long overdue for a good mixed one). Turns out that I'll be getting another dj gig in May at Wavelength after all (as I had to postpone my gig when my dad passed away). I will put up the details when I find out about them. Okay coffee, coffee will help me think...coffee and a muffin...(saw Adaptation last night), great script. Love that Charlie Kaufman. Now if Charlie could write an episode of Six Feet Under...oh the mind boggles over that one. Ooo hoo. So what am I going to do without a new season of Six Feet Under to watch? I saw them all and they were really cool. Bye all.
Tuesday, April 01, 2003
Scary News about Cat Power
Physical State: achey
Mental State: slow
Music: Damien Jurado - Ghost of David
Fashion sense: black shirt, blue jeans
This from today's Music Industry Journal:
Chan Marshall Hangs It Up.
Chan Marshall better known as Cat Power has reported recently in an interview that she's no longer going to record nor perform live and has decided to leave music altogether. "I just can't see anyone missing my music and I think I've said all there is to say" she said. This comes as a great shock to the growing number of fans who have given her latest release "You Are Free" a overwhelming response and she seems to be at the height of her career. It is also one of Matador record's greatest sellers of the year so far. Matador boss Gerard Cosloy could not be reached for comment at press time. "The time for Cat Power's music is no more and I regret that I have to quit. I've had a good run and it's time to do something else" Marshall said. She has no immediate plans but it's been rumoured that she will persue a career as a fashion model and act as an advocate for the Republican party. This is of course a total fabrication and you bought it...April Fools.